Contact Baher Kamal


About Baher Kamal 

Baher Kamal is member of the TRANSCEND Network for Peace Development Environmentmember of Other News, and former Senior Advisor to the Director general of the international news agency IPS (Inter Press Service). He is an Egyptian-born, Spanish-national, secular journalist, with over 45 years of professional experience.

Since late 70s, he specialised in all development related issues, as well as international politics.

He coordinated and edited all IPS stories focusing on poverty, agriculture, environment, development, emigration and immigration, gender, urbanisation, health, children, education, trade and South-South and North-South cooperation, among other issues.

He also worked as Senior Information Expert for the Euro-Mediterranean Partnership at the European Commission in Brussels, and as the first-ever Information Officer and Spokesperson at UNEP’s Mediterranean Action Plan in Athens.

Kamal has trained media professionals from developing countries (mainly from Latin America, the Caribbean, Asia, Africa, Arab Region) for several national and international organisations.

In addition to his professional experience in Middle East affairs and those of other developing regions, Kamal has served as a media consultant on development issues for a number of world organisations. He was the contributing editor of FAO magazine CERES in Arabic.

Baher Kamal acted as Team Leader for the coverage of dozens of world conferences and he interviewed a number of heads of States and Governments, in addition to thee United Nations Secretary General.

He is also publisher and editor of Human Wrongs Watch.

Baher Kamal speaks Spanish, Arabic, English and Italian, with knowledge of French, and currently lives in Spain.



Thank you!


23 Responses to “Contact Baher Kamal”

  1. Dear Mr Kamal,

    As a colleague political blogger on and with high admiration for your articles and raison d’être, would you allow me to republish your articles from time to time, of course always integrally, with a reference and link to the original article and full credit to the authentic author? You are of course welcome do the same with my articles in English on my blog.

    Thanks for your response…


    • Dear colleague,

      I sincerely appreciate you very kind words and most welcome to republish any story any rime. I will gladly do the same with your interesting stories.

      Thank you indeed and best regards and wishes, Baher Kamal


  2. i was wodnering if i would be able to use as a image in my GCSE coursework.?


  3. Buenos dias señor kamal.

    Disculpe por enviarle esta nota en español, pero mi inglés es realmente malo. Tuve la gran suerte de compartir con mi mujer un vuelo de egipto a españa con usted, y nos impresionó mucho su humor y su forma de ver el mundo actual. Últimamente todo lo crítico piensan que es negativo, pero le animo a seguir siendo crítco, nos irá a todos mucho mejor. Sé que este comentario no va a ser de lo más leido pero quería mandarle un abrazo muy grande, que a veces es lo que uno más necesita.

    Un saludo.


    • Buenos días a los dos y muchas gracias por su amable mensaje!!! Lo que Usted dice es realmente reconfortante, así que seguiré su consejo. Espero que estén los dos muy bien y que nos volvamos a ver pronto, si no a bordo de un vuelo, en una terraza madrileña. Saludos muy cordiales, Baher


  4. thank you for reposting my article on Making Peace with the Cookie Monster. I read other articles on your blog with interest. Thank you for your writing. Xanthe Hall


  5. Can I receive your email updates on a weekly basis rather than the present daily basis?

    Liked by 1 person

    • Thanks your message.

      Actually we do not send email updates on a daily basis, but once –sometimes twice– a week.

      Perhaps you have been receiving our updates on a daily basis because you may have subscribed via RSS.

      Kindly check and let us know so that we can help.

      And anyway, we are sorry for the inconvenience.

      Thanks you very much.


  6. you are right. not daily, but sometimes several separate emails. I’d rather receive them in one batch if possible. should i unsubscribe and resubscribe to solve the problem?

    Liked by 1 person

  7. Mr. Kamal,
    Hello. Let us extend an offer to you and/or your readers to participate in an interview by answering the (4) questions posed to Alfred recently in post: “An Interview Of Alfred Gluecksmann” at The Oneness of Humanity. Future posts will carry the same title: “An Interview Of (Your name here)”.
    Question 1…) What was your primary motivation for entering the world of blogging on the worldwide web – on the internet?
    Question 2…) How would you describe yourself with regard to spirituality? What were some of the most memorable transforming points across the years (books, personal contacts, mystical experiences, etc.) in the developing of your current spiritual perspective?
    Question 3…) What is your greatest wish for readers as a consequence after reading/considering your writings?
    Question 4…and final) Can you offer any advice to people having a difficult time dealing with government and media lies, especially as it pertains to so many average citizens who hold erroneous perceptions on important events and situations around the Earth?
    If you (or anyone who passes this way – this proposal is open to all) would like to share your (their) thoughts take as many words and as much time as necessary to accurately convey your responses, then – when completely satisfied – email them (please refrain from email formatting as it makes it more difficult to copy/paste/edit into a WordPress post) to jerryalatalo (at), whereupon I will publish each individual’s response as a stand-alone post – with the ultimate goal of inclusion/compiling in a book.

    The potential book’s title has yet to become decided upon. There are no rules besides the obvious (no profanity, etc.), no word-count limits (1,000/10,000 words might suffice as a suggested lower/upper limit) or time deadlines (hoping for pre-Christmas 2017 self-publish date – Kindle, Smashwords (eBook), Amazon (softcover) … ), but only honest observations.

    Thank you and best regards,
    Jerry Alatalo


  8. Buongiorno grande Kamal Baher, sono un vecchio ammiratore di te con il tuo simpatico senso dell’umorismo, l’intelligenza, l’ironia e la tua sensibilità ai problemi umani. Felice di leggere il tuo sito Human Wrongs Watch e sappere che sei molto attivo. Saluti da Takeo ( ex TIPS/IPS) marito di Anna Maria Palumbo ( anche lei ex TIPS/IPS).


  9. Greeting Mr.Kamal, I have a request for you. Could you please take down the article regarding the Thailand Women of Kampuan (the fish snacks) because my name is now tied to your personal blog. Every time employer look up for me on the internet, they found me on this blog. I can assure you that first of all, I do not represent IOM and secondly I never know Mr.Kamal or his organization before. Now I can not write articles using my name because it will lead to this site, I do not know about any attempt from the IOM side but I think its time.


  10. Dear Maher Kamal, I felt very proud, when I learned that you had reposted my article on The Mask of Democracy. Your website Human Wrongs Watch contributes significantly to inform people of the world about all the wrongs, which make it a terrible place for a great part of mankind. All the best and happy new year. Yours Kristian



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