Archive for August 1st, 2020


The North Sea’s Choice: Revolution or Destruction?

But we need to leave that behind.

Oil rig ‘Ninian’ in the Brent Oil Field. © Karsten Smid / Greenpeace

The consequences of the fossil fuels operations in the North Sea are devastating:

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Vote by Mail – An Alternative to the US Postal Service

Human Wrongs Watch

By John Scales Avery

31 July 2020 (Wall Street International)*The US Postal Service is in trouble: according to an article by Prof. Philip F. Rubio, entitled “Save the Postal Service”, published in Atlantic Monthly on April 24, 2020, “The USPS has said that it needs $89 billion in assistance, including $25 billion in grants.”

Republicans realize that they will lose if the 2020 election is fairRepublicans realize that they will lose if the 2020 election is fair | Image from Wall Street International.

Republicans realize that they will lose if the 2020 election is fair

Donald Trump’s disastrous handling of the COVID-19 pandemic, combined with the pandemic’s terrible economic effects, have made Republicans unpopular; and this is reflected in recent polls. It seems extremely likely that if large numbers of voters participate in the November election, the Democrats will win.

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How Trump Is Opening the Way for the Taliban to Take Afghanistan Back

By Paul Rogers*

Trump’s eagerness to ‘bring our boys home’ is leaving the Afghan government with little power to resist the Taliban afterwards.

Goodbye Afghanistan | US Air Force photo by Clay Lancaster. Public domain.

31 July 2020 (openDemocracy)* — One of Donald Trump’s main election pledges back in 2016 was to ‘bring our boys home’. Alongside this came criticism of Germany and other NATO states for not paying their way on military spending. He has followed up on both themes this week, by starting to reduce the US presence in Germany, albeit shifting some to Poland and leaving all the mechanisms of a rapid return in place, so that the extent of the ‘back home’ is far from what it appears.

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