Archive for August 9th, 2020


South Sudanese Sisters Overcome Heartbreak and Make a New Life in Ethiopia

Human Wrongs Watch

By Katie Nguyen in Gambella, Ethiopia*

Siblings Nyamach and Nyakoang are among more than 42,000 South Sudanese refugee children in Ethiopia who are either unaccompanied or separated from their parents or guardians. Español   |  Français   |  عربي

5f22c3364South Sudanese children, Nyamach Lul, who is 16, (left) and 13-year-old Nyakoang (right) outside their house at Jewi refugee camp in Ethiopia. © UNHCR/Eduardo Soteras Jalil

August 2020  (UNHCR)* — Nyamach Lul has known more loss and sorrow in her 16 years than most people have experienced in a lifetime.

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From the Countryside with Love

Human Wrongs Watch

Combating food insecurity in Peru with ancestral solidarity during the COVID-19 crisis

The Apachicuy inititiative ties into a larger project in Peru that focuses on maintaining the rich agricultural biodiversity of this area. ©FAO

7 August 2020 (FAO)* — Huamani Cardenas lives in Lima, but is originally from Conayca, a rural town of roughly 1 300 people in the central highlands of Peru. When he received a delivery of fresh food from his hometown, he was thrilled. “I sincerely thank the authorities of Conayca for thinking of us,” he wrote in a social media group for young Conaycans living in Lima.

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Canada: Last Intact Ice Shelf Collapses Due to Global Warming

The Milne Ice Shelf lost about 80 square kilometers in July, an area larger than Manhattan island space, which is about 60 square kilometers. In 2020, polar ice reduction peaked for the last 40 years.  

Glaciers on Canada’s Ellesmere Island. April, 2014.

Glaciers on Canada’s Ellesmere Island. April, 2014. | Photo: Twitter/ @arctic_today

(teleSUR)* — The last intact ice shelf in the Canadian Arctic collapsed and lost a large part of his area due to extremely high temperatures, according to the Canadian Ice Service (CIS), as reported on Friday [7 August 2020].