Archive for July 2nd, 2021


Dalit and Muslim Indian Women Leading Change in South Sudan

Human Wrongs Watch


NEW DELHI, India, Jul 2 2021 (IPS)* – Two Indian women, one Muslim and the other Dalit (former untouchables), separated by culture and geography, have found common ground in leading change in conflict-torn South Sudan.


Rama Hansraj

Rama Hansraj, a Dalit, grew up in a humble railway colony in Secunderabad. Huma Khan, a Muslim, born and raised in the controversial north Indian city of Faizabad, now Ayodhya, home to the demolished Babri Masjid.

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The Three Revolutions of the Chinese Communist Party

Human Wrongs Watch

By Walden Bello*

The 100th year anniversary of the Communist Party of China

The Chinese Revolution has emerged as the most momentous event of the last century
The Chinese Revolution has emerged as the most momentous event of the last century | Image from Wall Street International.

1 July 2021 (Wall Street International)*  — The Communist Party of China led three revolutions of world-historic significance in its short 100-year-history: national liberation, the “Cultural Revolution,” and China’s rapid capitalist transformation.

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Indigenous Communities in Danger of Being Erased from the Map in Brazil

Indigenous Peoples protest in Brasilia, Brazil.
Indigenous Peoples protest in Brasilia, Brazil. © Andressa Zumpano

Why Boosting Nature-Positive Food Production Makes Economic Sense

2 July 2021 (UNEP)* — The world’s first-ever international Food Systems Summit is slated for September 2021 and seeks to galvanize a global commitment and action to transform our food systems.



©FAO/Maxim Zmeyev

With almost 690 million people going hungry in 2019, and most current farming practices driving biodiversity loss and global heating, there is an urgent need to take stock and change direction.

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Ethiopians Go to the Polls Even After the US Tells Them Not to

By Ann Garrison | Black Agenda Report – TRANSCEND Media Service*

Ethiopia, Eritrea and Somalia are now alarming US political and military elites by forming an alliance and threatening to chart an independent path in the Horn of Africa. Many Ethiopians expressed enthusiasm for what they consider the country’s first real, competitive election.


On Monday, June 21st, Ethiopians went to the polls to select a parliament, which will elect a prime minister, even though US officials told them not to, warning of chaos and violence. Maybe they think it’s arrogant of the United States to presume to be the global arbiter of peace, justice, and democracy.

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‘Billions of People Will Lack Access to Safe Water, Sanitation and Hygiene in 2030 Unless Progress Quadruples’

Latest estimates reveal that 3 in 10 people worldwide could not wash their hands with soap and water at home during the COVID-19 pandemic.

A mother and her children wash their hands outside their home using a bucket, water, and soap.

GENEVA/NEW YORK, 1 July 2021 (UNICEF)* – Billions of people around the world will be unable to access safely managed household drinking water, sanitation and hygiene services in 2030 unless the rate of progress quadruples, according to a new report from WHO and UNICEF.

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