Archive for July 3rd, 2021


More than 12% of Humanity Is Part of Any of the 3 Million Cooperatives in the World

A voting session.

A voting session. PHOTO:©International Cooperative Alliance

3 July 2021 (United Nations)* — This July 3rd, the International Day of Cooperatives (#CoopsDay) will be celebrated as “Rebuild better together”.

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Culture as Combat: Palestinian Voices

Human Wrongs Watch

By Richard Falk | Global Justice in the 21st Century – TRANSCEND Media Service*

Festivals, Museums and Awards



Richard Falk

In stirring opening remarks at the international 2021 mega-conference, Palestine Writes, Susan Abulhawa asserts that “… this festival is meant to expand Palestine’s cultural imprint in the world.”

Such an imprint is being achieved by Palestinian cultural creativity, inscribing the Palestinian struggle and the distinctive spirit of the Palestinian people at the center of the moral and political imagination of persons of conscience around the world.

By so doing, Israel’s concerted attempt to remove the Palestinian struggle from the global agenda is being thwarted, discredited, and increasingly likely, reversed.

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Small Family Farms Make Up 85% of All Farms Worldwide; Yet the People Who Live on Them Constitute the Majority of the Rural Poor

Human Wrongs Watch
By the International Fund for Agricultureal Development-IFAD*
Farmer organizations: Resources and bargaining power for rural producers

Small family farms make up 85 per cent of all farms worldwide, and the people who live on them constitute the majority of the rural poor. To mitigate the challenges that come with working in isolation − and to increase profitability and productivity − these smallholders form organizations.


UN Should Investigate Deadly Attacks on Afghan Civilians

Human Wrongs Watch

By Heather Barr | Human Rights Watch*

Twenty Rights Groups Call for Justice and Accountability

Human Rights Watch on 2 July 2021 joined Afghan and international human rights organizations calling for a United Nations-mandated fact-finding mission to investigate escalating attacks on civilians in Afghanistan to promote justice and accountability.

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If “A Nuclear War Must Never Be Fought,” Then …

Human Wrongs Watch



A UN meeting on the International Day for the Total Elimination of Nuclear Weapons, 26 September. Credit: UN Photo/Kim Haughton

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Some 4.4 Million Nigerians Facing ‘Catastrophic Food Conditions’

Human Wrongs Watch

2 July 2021 (UN News)*Some 4.4 million people in Nigeria are facing what the UN humanitarian office, OCHA, is describing as “catastrophic food conditions”.


UNOCHA/Damilola Onafuwa | Farmers in northeastern Nigeria have been unable to cultivate their crops because of insecurity.
A combination of insecurity caused by terrorist groups, the effects of climate change and the COVID-19 pandemic, have meant that people in the northeast of the country are struggling to get enough to eat; OCHA says 775,000 are at “extreme risk”.

Many are farmers but are unable to grow their crops fearing for their personal safety, and so rely on humanitarian support “as their only lifeline”.

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Ethiopia: 400,000 in Tigray Cross ‘Threshold into Famine’, with Nearly 2 Million on the Brink

Human Wrongs Watch

(UN News)* — Senior UN officials on 2 July 2021 appealed for immediate and unrestricted humanitarian access to Tigray – and for an end to deadly attacks on aid workers – as the Security Council held its first open meeting on the conflict in the restive northern Ethiopian region.
© UNICEF | Yeshialem Gebreegziabher, 27, holds her daughter, Kalkidan Yeman, 6 months old, who is suffering from malnutrition at Aby Adi Health center in the Tigray region of northern Ethiopia

Painting a grim picture, Ramesh Rajasingham, Acting Under-Secretary-General for Humanitarian Affairs and Emergency Relief Coordinator, said that 400,000 people have “crossed the threshold into famine” – with another 1.8 million on the brink of following them.

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