Archive for July 5th, 2021


Modern Slavery: How Consumers Can Make a Difference

5 July 2021 (The Conversation)* — Few people want to buy products that involve the exploitation or enslavement of the workers who make them – but that’s exactly what most of us do on a daily basis.

What Does Justice Mean for Indigenous Survivors of Genocide in Canada?

Human Wrongs Watch

By Brandi Morin*

The discovery of yet more graves of Indigenous children taken by the government for forcible assimilation has – at last – shocked the world | ESPAÑOL

Installation in Vancouver honouring the 215 Indigenous children whose unmarked graves were discovered in May | JSMimages / Alamy Stock Photo. All rights reserved

5 July 2021 (openDemocracy)* — Imagine if your child was ripped from your arms by police who were enforcing the laws of your oppressors; if the devil in the form of forced assimilation and colonisation, under the guise of church-run institutions, stole your children – and your flesh and blood were beaten, sexually violated, shamed and stripped of their identity; or if your child – or aunt, uncle, brother or sister – died from malnutrition, unsanitary living conditions or were murdered by their abusers. Imagine it as your beating heart ripped from your chest.

States Have These 13 Duties When It Comes to Biodiversity and Human Rights

6 July 2021 (UNEP)* — Unprecedented biodiversity loss, pollution, climate change and the rise of zoonotic diseases have showcased the symbiotic relationship between humans and nature.



Unsplash / Markus Spiske / 05 Jul 2021

The human right to a safe, clean, healthy and sustainable environment, as well as other human rights, can only be realized where biodiversity thrives and ecosystems are healthy.

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Can a Plastic Bottle Be a Ticket to an Education? In India, Yes

Human Wrongs Watch

(UNEP)* — Deepika Hemrom’s parents pay her school fees with plastic. Not Master Card or Visa but actual plastic waste.


Photo: Akshar Foundation / 16 Apr 2021

They are participating in a ground-breaking scheme in Assam, India, that allows low-income families to use single-use plastic in lieu of money to pay for private schooling.

Deepika’s parents are manual labourers and this unique payment method means the 13-year-old, who dreams of becoming a doctor, can access a quality education, which would otherwise be out of her family’s financial reach.

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