Archive for July 11th, 2021


Can History Help Us Out of This Muddle? – The Oppression Machinery

Human Wrongs Watch 

By Ladislau Dowbor*

World history is nothing but an endless, dreary account of the rape of the weak by the strong.

(Herman Hesse)

History has had the tendency to present our countries in the light of the glorious past
History has had the tendency to present our countries in the light of the glorious past | Image from Wall Street International.

10 July 2021 (Wall Street International)* — For a long time, particularly in schools, history has had the tendency to present our countries in the light of the glorious past, our neighbors in much darker tones, but most of all it has centered on the key moments of structural change.

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Six-Fold Increase in People Suffering Famine-Like Conditions Since Pandemic Began

Human Wrongs Watch

By Oxfam International*

11 people are likely dying every mi



Almost a billion of us go to bed hungry every night. Not because there isn’t enough food for everyone, but because of the deep injustice in the way food is produced and accessed | OXFAM.

A new Oxfam report released on 9 July 2021 says that as many as 11 people are likely dying of hunger and malnutrition each minute. This is more than the current global death rate of COVID-19, which is around seven people per minute.

The report, ‘The Hunger Virus Multiplies’ says that conflict remains the primary cause of hunger since the pandemic, pushing over half a million people into famine-like conditions – a six-fold increase since 2020.

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Venezuela: Indigenous Peoples Living in Voluntary Isolation, Threatened by the Invasions Resulting from Extractive Activities, Illegal Groups, and Covid-19

Human Wrongs Watch


8 July 2021 (IWGIA)** — The Jödi, the Yanomami and the Uwottüja living in voluntary isolation are threatened by the invasions that result from extractive activities and by the presence of illegal groups in the area: to the environmental impact we should add the socio-cultural and sanitary ramifications.


The isolated groups are aware that foreign agents are potential disease carriers, which represents a motivation to remain isolated. The Covid-19 pandemic worsens this situation due to the high epidemiological and immunological vulnerability.

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‘Women in Many Countries Face Discrimination in Registering Births, This Exposing Their Children to the Risk of Becoming Stateless’

Human Wrongs Watch

GENEVA / NEW YORK (UNICEF)* A joint report released on 7 July 2021by UNHCR, the UN Refugee Agency, and the United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF), shows that in many countries women can face discrimination which obstructs or hinders their ability to register births, exposing their children to the risk of becoming stateless. | Français

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It Took Hundreds of Thousands of Years for World Population to Grow to 1 Billion – Then in Just Another 200 Years or So, It Grew Sevenfold… Today, It Stands at About 7.7 Billion

According to UNFPA research in March, an estimated 12 million women experienced disruptions to family planning services. Right: Women of the Flower Hmong hill tribe sell cooked rice at a local market in Can Cau, Viet Nam. Left: Local Western Saharan women

PHOTO:UN Photo/Kibae Park(right), UN Photo/Martine Perret(left)

11 July 2021 (United Nations)* — In this second year of COVID-19, we are suspended in an in-between state, where parts of the world are emerging from the deep recesses of the pandemic while others are locked in battle with the coronavirus as access to vaccines remains a distant, deadly reality.

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‘Ensure Reproductive Health Rights for All’

World Population Day, 11 July 2021

11 July 2021 (UN News)*Erosion of women’s reproductive rights has been one of the fallouts from the COVID-19 pandemic, UN Secretary-General António Guterres has said.


UN Photo/Martine Perret | A mother and her newborn in Suai, Timor-Leste.
In his message for World Population Day, observed on Sunday, the UN chief called for closing gaps in access to sexual and reproductive health services which the crisis has created.

Grim milestones

The pandemic “continues to upend our world, reaching one grim milestone after another,” said Mr. Guterres.

Last week, the global death toll due to COVID-19 officially surpassed four million.

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Disruptions in Contraceptives Supply – and Lockdowns – Predicted to Result in a Sharp Rise in Unplanned Pregnancies for the Most Vulnerable

World Population Day, 11 July 2021
Rights and choices are the answer: Whether baby boom or bust, the solution to shifting fertility rates lies in prioritizing the reproductive health and rights of all people


A mobile health clinic, supported by UNFPA and the Spotlight Initiative, brings critical family planning and other services to underserved parts of Mozambique. ©UNFPA Mozambique/Mbuto Machili

11 July 2021 (UNFPA)* — In this second year of COVID-19, we are suspended in an in-between state, where parts of the world are emerging from the deep recesses of the pandemic while others are locked in battle with the coronavirus as access to vaccines remains a distant, deadly reality.

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