Archive for July 15th, 2021


Afghans Fleeing the Taliban Face Death, Deportation and Push-Backs in Turkey

Human Wrongs Watch

By Karolína Augustová*

With financial support from the EU, Turkey has toughened up its migration policies – putting hundreds of thousands at risk

The Seyrantepe cemetery in Van, where many Afghans who attempted to cross Turkey are buried | Karolina Augustova

15 July 2021 (openDemocracy)* — As the US continues withdrawing its troops from Afghanistan, and the Taliban increases its control in the country, around 1,000 Afghans have been arriving to Turkey’s eastern border with Iran every day.

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US-led NATO in Afghanistan: Crimes against Humanity Call for Accountability

Human Wrongs Watch

By Mahboob A. Khawaja, PhD – TRANSCEND Media Service*


Dr. Mahboob A. Khawaja

We are going to lose the war in Afghanistan and it will help bankrupt us. One of our major strategic blunders in Afghanistan was not to have recognized that both Great Britain and the Soviet Union attempted to pacify Afghanistan using the same military methods as ours and failed disastrously. We seem to have learned nothing from Afghanistan’s modern history — to the extent that we even know what it is. Between 1849 and 1947.” 

— Chalmers Johnson, Dismantling the Empire – America’s Last Best Hope: 8/2010

Were George W. Bush and NATO Pathological Liars to Invade Afghanistan?

After 9/11, America led NATO’s invasion of Afghanistan was a revulsion against truth as it was in complete disconnect to the living consciousness of global community.

David Corn (“Is the President a Pathological Liar? Bush’s unhealthy relationship with reality”: LA Weekly: 12/11/2003), outlines the compelling facts:

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Afghanistan: Worsening Security Situation in Wake of Foreign Troop Withdrawal Forced 270,000 Newly Displaced Afghans to Flee Their Homes So Far this Year

Human Wrongs Watch

(UN News)* — The worsening security situation across Afghanistan in the wake of foreign troop withdrawal and Taliban advances, has forced an estimated 270,000 from their homes since January, the UN refugee agency (UNHCR) reported on Tuesday [13 July 2021], bringing the total internally displaced to more than 3.5 million.

© UNHCR/Edris Lutfi | Worsening conflict in northern Afghanistan has forced thousands of people to flee their homes and live in temporary camps.

The agency said that families were fleeing extortion by non-State armed groups and the dangers posed by improvised explosive devices, or IEDs, along major roads.

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EU Urged to Consider Impact of New Climate Mechanism on Developing Countries

(UN News)* — Although a new European Union (EU) climate initiative unveiled on 14 July 2021 could change global trade patterns to favour countries where production is relatively carbon efficient, its value in mitigating climate change will likely be limited, the UN trade and development agency, UNCTAD, has warned.

Unsplash/Maxim Tolchinskiy | Air pollution from power plants contributes to global warming.

The Carbon Border Adjustment Mechanism (CBAM) comes into force in 2023 as part of new measures to cut carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions, including taxes on imports such as oil, coal and gas.

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Deaths on Maritime Migration Routes to Europe Soar in First Half of 2021

Berlin (IOM)*  – At least 1,146 people died attempting to reach Europe by sea in the first six months of 2021 according to a new briefing on 13 July 2021 released by the International Organization for Migration (IOM).



At least 1,146 people died attempting to reach Europe by sea in the first six months of 2021. Photo: IOM

Deaths along these routes more than doubled so far this year compared to the same period in 2020, when 513 migrants are known to have drowned.

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