Archive for July 18th, 2021


The US’s Withdrawal from Afghanistan Should Not Be Sold as ‘Job Done’

Human Wrongs Watch

By Paul Rogers*

Only the leaders of the region’s extremist movements have cause for optimism about the future
After 20 years, in which more than 2,400 troops lost their lives, the US is withdrawing from Afghanistan | Nelvin C. Cepeda/U-T San Diego/ZUMA Wire/Alamy

17 July 2021 (openDemocracy)* —  On Monday 12 July, the head of US military operations in Afghanistan, General Scott Miller, completed his deployment and handed over to Marine General Frank McKenzie. In a telling change of command, McKenzie will be based thousands of miles away from Afghanistan in Tampa, Florida, where he heads US Central Command.

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The Communist Party of China’s 100th Birthday

Human Wrongs Watch

By Mushahid Hussain*

The birth of new cold war

The Communist Party of China has always surmounted difficulties with fortitude
The Communist Party of China has always surmounted difficulties with fortitude | Image from Wall Street International.

17 July 2021 (Wall Street International)*The contrasts are apparent between the two poles of power in the world.

In Beijing, there were huge celebrations, with fanfare and fireworks, marking 100 years of the founding of what is today the world’s largest political party (95 million members), holding power for the longest duration (72 years), in the most populous country of the world (1.4 billion).

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‘Don’t Look Away from Spectacles of Public Violence and Lawlessness’

July 2021 — In this moment of great challenge and terrible danger for South Africa, it is imperative for everyone who calls this country home to be part of finding solutions and making a future that is liveable for all.


Members of the public paying their respects outside Mandela’s Houghton home | Robert DennisonCC BY 2.0

The temptation at times like this is to become paralysed, or to look away, or to give up. Our call is to honour Madiba in this month of Mandela Day by stepping up.

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Call for ‘Dignity, Equality, Justice and Human Rights’ Rings Out on Mandela Day 

(UN News)* — Nelson Mandela International Day is an opportunity to reflect on the life and legacy of “a legendary global advocate for dignity, equality, justice and human rights”, the UN chief said on 18 July 2021.

Unsplash/John-Paul Henry | Nelson Mandela International Day recognizes his struggle for democracy and a culture of peace throughout the world.

“It Is Easy to Break Down and Destroy. The Heroes Are Those Who Make Peace and Build” – Nelson Mandela

Human Wrongs Watch


Nelson Mandela Decade of Peace (2019 – 2028)

Human Wrongs Watch

Nelson Mandela International Day, 18 July 2021

Our common humanity demands that we make the impossible possible.   – World Leaders at Nelson Mandel Peace Summit

18 JULY 2021 (United Nations)* — On 24 September 2018, world leaders gathered at United Nations Headquarters in New York for the Nelson Mandela Peace Summit.

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