Archive for June 9th, 2023


Bangladesh Must “Immediately Suspend” Plans to Return Rohingya Refugees to Myanmar

Human Wrongs Watch

(UN NEWS)* — Bangladesh must “immediately suspend” a pilot repatriation project for Rohingya refugees to return to Myanmar, where they face “serious risks” to their lives and freedom, a UN-appointed independent rights expert said on Thursday [].


A Rohingya family stand outside their home in a refugee camp in Teknaf, Bangladesh.
© UNICEF/Suman Paul Himu | A Rohingya family stand outside their home in a refugee camp in Teknaf, Bangladesh.

Tom Andrews, the UN Special Rapporteur on the situation of human rights in Myanmar, insisted that current conditions there were “anything but conducive” for the return of Rohingya refugees.

Death trap

He stressed that the very generals who had launched “genocidal” attacks against the Rohingya, causing hundreds of thousands to flee the country, were now in power and “attacking civilian populations while denying the Rohingya citizenship and other basic rights”.

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