Archive for June 26th, 2023


Mediterranean Migrant Shipwreck Reveals Cost of Cruel European Asylum Policies

Human Wrongs Watch

By Sasha Abramsky | ScheerPost – TRANSCEND Media Service*

Eighty-one people have been confirmed dead, but roughly 500 more likely drowned when the ship sank, locked below decks.

Syrians and Iraqi refugees arrive at Skala Sykamias Lesvos Greece. Photo from Wikimedia Commons by Ggia on October 30, 2015.

If you have been reading European news outlets the past several days, you’ll have seen a number of lead stories on the horrific tragedy of a people-smuggling ship, crammed to the gills with migrants hoping to reach European shores from Tobruk, in eastern Libya, sinking off the coast of Greece.

By contrast, most U.S. news organizations have only paid sparing attention to the calamitous event, offering up just a tiny fraction of the coverage that they accord air disasters, or floods and earthquakes in wealthy countries. 

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