Archive for July, 2023


Sexual Violence Stalks Women and Girls Fleeing Sudan for South Sudan

Human Wrongs Watch

MALAKAL, South Sudan, 24 July 2023 (UNFPA)* – “My neighbour Rose* travelled with me to Renk, but her three daughters stayed behind in Khartoum. Later she learned they had been gang raped,” said Martha.*

Every day at the Bulukat transit centre, UNFPA holds sessions on the threat of gender-based violence. Some 85 people attended this one, where they also learned about the services and support available to survivors. © UNFPA Sudan

Martha had recently arrived in the port of Malakal, a key transit point for those fleeing the violence in Sudan and crossing into South Sudan. More than 170,000 returnees and refugees have so far arrived in Malakal since the conflict erupted on 15 April, a number that will only increase if the crisis continues. 

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Funding Crunch Forces WFP to Halve Food Rations for Refugees amidst Worsening hunger in Malawi

LILONGWE, 24 July 2023 (WFP)* –The United Nations World Food Programme (WFP) has been forced to cut assistance to more than 51,000 vulnerable refugees by 50 percent as hunger levels deepen at Dzaleka Refugee Camp in Malawi.
Malawi. Mtendere solar irrigation scheme

Photo: WFP/Badre Bahaji

The refugees, who are mainly from the Great Lakes region, receive monthly WFP cash assistance at the camp – where they face several challenges, including insufficient shelter and inadequate health, water, and sanitation services.

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UN Refuges Agency Urges Solidarity with Burkina Faso’s Victims of Extremist Violence

Human Wrongs Watch

(UN News)* — Civilians fleeing attacks by extremist groups in Burkina Faso must be allowed to shelter in neighbouring countries and not sent back, amid a spike in violence and horrifying rights abuses, the UN refugee agency (UNHCR) said on Friday [].

Women and children who have fled violence in Burkina Faso seek help in Côte d'Ivoire.
© UNHCR/Insa Wawa Diatta \ Women and children who have fled violence in Burkina Faso seek help in Côte d’Ivoire.

Speaking in Geneva, Ms. Tan highlighted “killings, forced disappearances, torture and kidnappings”, while in several instances, civilians had been targeted and killed, resulting in mass civilian casualties.

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International Inertia Follows Israeli Assault on Jenin in the West Bank

Human Wrongs Watch

SYDNEY, Jul 28 2023 (IPS)* – The likelihood of further confrontations remains high following a major Israeli military assault on an impoverished camp of more than 23,500 Palestinian refugees in Jenin in the north of the occupied West Bank earlier this month.
The homes of Palestinians, public buildings, cars, property and service infrastructure were damaged or destroyed during an Israeli military attack on Jenin in the occupied West Bank earlier this month. Photo credit: UNRWA

The homes of Palestinians, public buildings, cars, property and service infrastructure were damaged or destroyed during an Israeli military attack on Jenin in the occupied West Bank earlier this month. Photo credit: UNRWA

The landlocked Palestinian territory, located between Israel to the west and Jordan to the east, has been illegally occupied, according to international law, following the invasion by Israel 56 years ago.

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ISRAEL/OPT: 500 Palestinians facing forcible eviction, displacement, and segregation 

The forced evictions are part of the Israeli authorities’ plans to build a new neighbourhood for the city of Dimona, whose inhabitants are mostly Jewish Israelis. Ras Jrabah’s residents will be relocated to an impoverished and segregated Bedouin town nearby.

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‘Urgent steps’ needed to end surge in violence across West Bank

Human Wrongs Watch

(UN News)* — Insecurity and violence increased rapidly in the occupied West Bank over the last month, punctuated by one of the most intensive Israeli military operations in nearly two decades, the Security Council heard on Thursday [].

The Israeli authorities demolish buildings in in Jericho in December 2022.
© Photo by the affected family | The Israeli authorities demolish buildings in in Jericho in December 2022.


“This deterioration is taking place alongside ongoing unilateral steps that undermine a two-State solution, the absence of a peace process and the continuing economic challenges facing Palestinians and the Palestinian Authority (PA),” said Khaled Khiari, Assistant Secretary-General for Middle East, briefing ambassadors.

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UK Bill Bars Migrants from Presenting Refugee Protection or Other Human Rights Claims, Regardless of Their Circumstances

Human Wrongs Watch

The United Kingdom parliament has passed a bill inconsistent with the country’s obligations under international human rights and refugee law that could have profound consequences for people seeking international protection, warned the UN rights chief and the head of refugee agency UNHCR on Tuesday [17 July 2023].

The Houses of Parliament in London, United Kingdom.
© Unsplash/Heidi Fin | The Houses of Parliament in London, United Kingdom.

The Illegal Immigration Bill eliminates access to asylum for anyone who arrives “irregularly” in the UK, meaning they passed through a country – however briefly – where they did not face persecution.  

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Extreme Weather and Climate Shocks Becoming More Acute in Latin America and the Caribbean

Havana, Cuba, 5 July 2023 (WMO)* – Extreme weather and climate shocks are becoming more acute in Latin America and the Caribbean, as the long-term warming trend and sea level rise accelerate, according to a new report from the World Meteorological Organization (WMO).


Temperatures over the past 30 years have warmed an average 0.2° Celsius per decade – the highest rate on record, according to the State of the Climate in Latin America and the Caribbean 2022 report. It highlights a vicious cycle of of spiraling impacts on countries and local communities.

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Over 3 Billion Women and Girls – More than 90% of the World’s Female Population – Live in Countries with Large Gender Gap

Human Wrongs Watch

(UN News)* — Low women’s empowerment and large gender gaps are commonplace in many parts of the world, the UN’s lead agencies on gender equality and international development said in a new report published on Tuesday []. 

Two young women take part in a digital skills careers programme in Jordan.
© UNICEF/Thaulow | Two young women take part in a digital skills careers programme in Jordan.

Out of 114 countries studied, none has achieved full gender parity, the report by UN Women and the UN Development Programme (UNDP) has revealed.

Moreover, fewer than one per cent of women and girls globally live in a country with both high women’s empowerment and a small gender gap in areas such as health and education.

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Sudan: Conflict Displaces 200,000 People in Just One Week

Human Wrongs Watch

(UN News)* — Nearly 200,000 people were displaced by fighting inside Sudan over the past week, the UN reported on Tuesday [], citing new figures released by the International Organization for Migration (IOM).


A Sudanese family take shelter at a refugee entry point close to the Chadian border with Sudan (file).
© WFP/Eloge Mbaihondoum | A Sudanese family take shelter at a refugee entry point close to the Chadian border with Sudan (file).

Overall, more than 2.6 million people have been internally displaced since the start of the conflict on 15 April.

Meanwhile, more than 730,000 people have fled Sudan for neighbouring countries, according to the UN refugee agency, UNHCR.

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