Archive for August 5th, 2023


The Eerie Silence of Starvation ‘Is Deafening, It Never Leaves You’

Human Wrongs Watch

(UN News)* — The threat of famine, with people slowly starving to death, must be considered a red line for international peace and security, the UN Famine Prevention and Response Coordinator said on Thursday [], warning that warring groups deliberately use hunger as a tactic of war.


A family in a village in Badakhshan province, Afghanistan. (file)
© WFP/Sadeq Naseri | A family in a village in Badakhshan province, Afghanistan. (file)

Globally, over 250 million people suffered acute hunger in 2022, the highest in recent years, with about 376,000 people facing famine-like conditions in seven countries – all affected by armed conflict or extreme levels of violence. Another 35 million people are on the edge, Reena Ghelani said.

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