Archive for August 8th, 2023


Nearly 14 Million Children in Sudan Need Humanitarian Support: UNICEF

Human Wrongs Watch

(UN News)* — Two senior UN humanitarian officials have called for more funding and less bureaucratic impediments to support civilians affected by the war in Sudan, including roughly 14 million children.

Children displaced by conflict in Sudan are now living in Atbara.
© UNICEF/Abdulazeem Mohamed | Children displaced by conflict in Sudan are now living in Atbara.

Ted Chaiban of the UN children’s agency, UNICEF, and Edem Wosornu with the UN humanitarian affairs office, OCHA, briefed journalists on their recent mission to the country and Chad, one of several neighbouring nations hosting some 900,000 people who fled the violence.

Fighting between the Sudanese Army and the paramilitary Rapid Support Forces (RSF) recently passed the 100-day mark. Overall, 24 million people across the country require aid.

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1 in 2 Children in Europe and Central Asia Are Exposed to High Heatwave Frequency, Double the Global Average

Human Wrongs Watch

GENEVA, 27 July 2023 (UNICEF)* – Around half of children in Europe and Central Asia – or 92 million – are exposed to high heatwave frequency, according to an analysis of the latest available data from 50 countries published today by UNICEF in a new policy brief.

This is double the global average of 1 in 4 children exposed to high heatwave frequency.

Milica Radovanovic (11) and Lazar Seferovic (11) cool off during a hot day in Belgrade, Serbia, July 2022
UNICEF/UN0729694/PancicMilica Radovanovic (11) and Lazar Seferovic (11) cool off during a hot day in Belgrade, Serbia, July 2022

Kidnappings of Children and Women Spiking at Alarming Rates in Haiti

Human Wrongs Watch

Close to 300 cases have been reported so far this year, nearly the total number registered for all of 2022, and three times more than 2021.

Un adulte tient la main d'un enfant

PORT-AU-PRINCE/PANAMA CITY/NEW YORK, 7 August 2023 (UNICEF)* –The ongoing violence in Haiti continues to threaten the well-being of children and women. The latest reports received by UNICEF reveal an alarming spike in kidnappings, with nearly 300 cases confirmed in the first six months of 2023, almost matching the total number documented for the entire previous year, and close to three times more than in 2021.

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