Archive for August 9th, 2023


Through Drought and Floods: One Grandma Keeps Going for Her Grandchildren

Human Wrongs Watch

Belet Weyne, 8 August 2023 (IOM)* – Zamzan knows the devastation of climate shocks all too well. First, drought pushed her to move away from the place she had called home for years, then flooding swept away the new home she’d just begun to build for herself and her family.


It’s Official: July 2023 Was the Warmest on Record… Likely for at Least 120,000 Years

Human Wrongs Watch

(UN News)* — The global average temperature for July 2023 was the highest on record and likely for at least 120,000 years, the UN weather agency and partners said on Tuesday [].

Global air and ocean temperatures are reaching new record highs.
WMO/Eneko Perez | Global air and ocean temperatures are reaching new record highs.

“The global average temperature for July 2023 is confirmed to be the highest on record for any month,” said Samantha Burgess, Deputy Director at the European Commission’s Copernicus Climate Change Service. The month is estimated to have been around 1.5C warmer than the average for 1815 to 1900, so the average for pre-industrial times.” 

Briefing journalists in Geneva, Ms. Burgess noted that July had been marked by heatwaves “in multiple regions around the world”.

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