Archive for August 18th, 2023


Ukraine and the Danger of Nuclear War

Human Wrongs Watch

By John Scales Avery, Ph.D. – TRANSCEND Media Service*

Endless Arms for Ukraine

In the United States, the Biden administration has adopted the policy of sending many billions of dollars’ worth of advanced weapons to Ukraine, with the hope of weakening Russia, and in the hope of a Ukrainian victory.


John Scales Avery

An underlying motive can be found in the enormous profits made by the American weapons industry.

In fact, the military-industrial complex (against which President Eisenhower warned in his famous Farewell Address) has complete control over both political parties.

The latest yearly appropriation for military purposes was almost a trillion dollars.

The war in Ukraine has always been a proxy war between NATO and Russia, although it is being fought on Ukrainian soil, and although it involves great suffering for the Ukrainian people.

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Weapon Transfers, Including Banned Cluster Munitions, Spike in Ukraine

Human Wrongs Watch

(UN News)* — Arms and ammunition transfers to Ukraine have increased rapidly in recent months, alongside concerning reports of deliveries of banned cluster munitions, the UN’s top disarmament official told the Security Council on Thursday [].

Food is distributed to residents of Balakliy in northeastern Ukraine.
© WFP/Niema Abdelmageed | Food is distributed to residents of Balakliy in northeastern Ukraine.

“The influx of weapons and ammunition into any armed conflict can contribute to the escalation and presents significant risks of diversion and proliferation even after the conflict has ended,” Izumi Nakamitsu, the High Representative for Disarmament Affairs, told the Council, briefing on the latest developments in the context of Russia’s full-scale invasion of Ukraine in 2022.

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World Health Organization Summit Aims to Unlock Power of Traditional Medicine Through Science

Human Wrongs Watch

(UN News)* — The first global Traditional Medicine Summit convened by UN health agency WHO, got underway this week in the Indian city of Gandhinagar focused on sharing evidence and best practices in this field.

UN-REDD/Leona Liu | In Viet Nam, many people use traditional medicine for healing, and 90 percent of active ingredients come from forests.

Syrian Civilians Struggle between Deadly Israeli Air Strikes and Equally Deadly US Sanctions

Human Wrongs Watch

By Steven Sahiounie | Mideast Discourse – TRANSCEND Media Service*

8 Aug 2023 – Israeli airstrikes on Syria have become routine and deadly. Yesterday, Israeli airstrikes on Damascus at 2:20 am local time killed four Syrian soldiers and wounded four others.


Damascus residents were awoken from sleep to sounds and flashes of bright lights from the attacks.  Regardless of the numerous attacks, the civilian populations are held hostage to the Israeli military and their relentless attacks which cause emotional distress on innocent people sleeping in their own homes, while trying to survive in a collapsed economy which has pushed the majority to the poverty line.

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