Archive for August 19th, 2023


The Silent Bites: A Wake-Up Call for Rabies Awareness

Human Wrongs Watch

11 August 2023 (WHO)*Rabies, a deadly viral disease, continues to have a profound impact on communities throughout Africa, causing progressive and fatal inflammation of the brain and spinal cord. However, the good news is that rabies is 100% vaccine-preventable.


Vaccinating dogs, including puppies, is the most costeffective strategy for preventing rabies in people because it stops the transmission at its source.” Meseline Mulokozi


Sudan: Four Months of Conflict ‘Destroying People’s Lives and Violating Their Basic Human Rights’

Human Wrongs Watch

(UN News)* — After four months of war in Sudan, UN humanitarians on Tuesday [] called for action to be taken to end the conflict which is having a “devastating impact” on people’s lives, health and well-being.

People continue to be displaced by conflict in Sudan.
UN Photo/Albert González Farran | People continue to be displaced by conflict in Sudan.

In a statement, UN High Commissioner for Human Rights Volker Türk warned that the “disastrous, senseless war in Sudan, born out of a wanton drive for power, has resulted in thousands of deaths, the destruction of family homes, schools, hospitals and other essential services, massive displacement, as well as sexual violence, in acts which may amount to war crimes”.

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DR Congo: Children Facing Worst Cholera Outbreak in Six Years

Human Wrongs Watch

(UN News)*A spike in conflict and displacement in the eastern Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC) is pushing children into the worst cholera crisis since 2017, warns UNICEF.


Amina Bakunda is a doctor at the UNICEF-supported Cholera Treatment Center in Bulengo, a site for displaced persons in North Kivu province, DR Congo.
© UNICEF/Benekire | Amina Bakunda is a doctor at the UNICEF-supported Cholera Treatment Center in Bulengo, a site for displaced persons in North Kivu province, DR Congo.

Across the country, there have been at least 31,342 suspected or confirmed cholera cases and 230 deaths in the first seven months of 2023 – many of them children.

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Afghans Are ‘Out of Options’ and Desperately Need Realistic Alternatives to Poppy Cultivation

Human Wrongs Watch

As Afghanistan’s widespread economic crisis drags on and jobs become scarcer, the women of Dogabad village are finding innovative ways to support their loved ones, even as their own lives seem grimmer than ever. In this impoverished neighbourhood of Kabul, against all odds, women are taking the lead.


UN News / David Mottershead | A female beneficiary of a UNODC alternative development project feeding her chickens in Dogabad village, Kabul, Afghanistan.