Archive for August 23rd, 2023


DR Congo: With 25.8 Million People Unable to Meet Basic Food Needs, UN Aid Hangs in the Balance amid Severe Funding Crunch

Human Wrongs Watch

(UN News)* — The Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC) is grappling with a dire humanitarian crisis fuelled by ongoing political instability and armed conflicts, severely impacting the entire food supply, the UN World Food Programme (WFP) said on Tuesday [].


About 25.8 million people in the Democratic Republic of the Congo cannot meet their basic food needs.
© WFP/Michael Castofas | About 25.8 million people in the Democratic Republic of the Congo cannot meet their basic food needs.

The situation is particularly alarming in the east, where malnutrition has taken hold among 4.4 million people, exacerbated by compromised health services, lack of clean water, and an uptick in gender-based violence, highlighted Peter Musoko, WFP Country Director, during a press briefing in Geneva.

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DR Congo: An Unprecedented Crisis Goes Ignored

23 August 2023 — Recent months have brought a dramatic deterioration in the situation in eastern DR Congo, where countless civilians are attacked with impunity. Extreme levels of violence, hunger, and displacement receive scant funding, media apathy, and neglect. The outside world is neglecting a humanitarian crisis of immense proportions in a region where humanitarian needs have been enormous for decades.
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NRC’s Secretary General Jan Egeland visited Nyamusasi camp in Ituri province in eastern DR Congo 22 August. NRC supports the camp, including with education, shelter, cash assistance, and sanitation.

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