Archive for August 24th, 2023


Abolish ‘Human Exploitation’ Once and For All, UNESCO Chief Urges

Human Wrongs Watch

(UN News)* — Commemorating the International Day for the Remembrance of the Slave Trade and its Abolition on Wednesday [], the head of the UN’s education, science and culture agency UNESCO, emphasized the urgent need to end exploitation.

A slavery memorial in Stone Town, Zanzibar, Tanzania.
UN News/Elizabeth Scaffidi | A slavery memorial in Stone Town, Zanzibar, Tanzania.

“It is time to abolish human exploitation once and for all, and to recognize the equal and unconditional dignity of each and every individual,” said Audrey Azoulay, Director General of UNESCO.

“Today, let us remember the victims and freedom fighters of the past so that they may inspire future generations to build just societies.”

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Greece: Human Rights Experts Condemn ‘Racist Violence’ against Asylum-Seekers

Human Wrongs Watch

(UN News)* — Greece must adopt “safe and impartial” border policies and practices and hold its law enforcement officers accountable for abuses, a group of UN Human Rights Council-appointed experts said in a statement on Wednesday [].

Migrants look out at the sea in Lesvos, Greece.
IOM 2016/Amanda Nero | Migrants look out at the sea in Lesvos, Greece.

That’s the message from the group of eight experts, including Ashwini K.P., the Special Rapporteur on contemporary forms of racism, who urged Greece on Wednesday to investigate alleged violations against asylum-seekers.

They said that they were “particularly concerned” by the failure of the country’s security personnel and coast guard to provide “prompt and effective” assistance to migrants in distress and ensure safe disembarkation and adequate reception.

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World Leaders Need to Prioritize the More Than 1 Billion People Living in Informal Settlements

Human Wrongs Watch

CAPE TOWN, South Africa, Aug 16 2023 (IPS)* – When representatives from dozens of countries gathered recently at the UN High Level Political Forum in New York to share progress on their efforts to achieve the UN’s 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), this disturbing reality was clear: the world is not even close to meeting the goals by 2030 as intended.
If people living in informal settlements gained access to adequate housing, the average life span would jump 2.4 years on average globally, saving 730,000 lives each year. Credit: Lova Rabary-Rakontondravony/IPS

If people living in informal settlements gained access to adequate housing, the average life span would jump 2.4 years on average globally, saving 730,000 lives each year. Credit: Lova Rabary-Rakontondravony/IPS

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