Archive for August 25th, 2023


The Ocean Is Hotter than Ever. Here’s Why

Human Wrongs Watch

(UNEP)* — It has been another season of extreme weather, with everything from record temperatures to devastating floods hammering countries around the world. But one of the most worrying trends has been what scientists have called an unprecedented planet-wide ocean heatwave.

Biosphoto via AFP/Gabriel Barathieu

Don’t Let Wastewater Opportunities Flow Down the Drain

Human Wrongs Watch

(UN News)* — Wastewater, long seen as an environmental and health hazard, possesses untapped potential as an alternative energy and clean water source to offset fertilizer use, the UN Environment Programme (UNEP) said on Wednesday [].

Water treated at a wastewater treatment plant in Jakarta, Indonesia, being discharged into a river.
© UNICEF/Ose | Water treated at a wastewater treatment plant in Jakarta, Indonesia, being discharged into a river.

In its new report, Wastewater: Turning problem to solution, UNEP warned that only 11 per cent of treated wastewater is reused while around half of the world’s untreated wastewater still enters rivers, lakes and seas.

Furthermore, CO2 emissions from wastewater are substantial, hovering slightly below those from the global aviation industry.

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