Archive for August 27th, 2023


Surviving Seven Days in the Hands of Smugglers 

Human Wrongs Watch

Tog-wachale, 21 August 2023 (IOM)* – “The promise sounded too good to be true, travelling from Ethiopia to Saudi Arabia for work, but I just went with it. They said it will only be for seven days. Now, seven days later, I have three bullet wounds in my body and am nowhere near where I intended,” narrates Halima*, a student from Arsi, Oromia Region of Ethiopia.


Halima* survived a deadly ordeal after crossing from Ethiopia to Somalia, trying to reach the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia in search of work. Photo: IOM 2023/Kaye Viray

Like many Ethiopians searching for better work opportunities, Halima was lured to embark on a deadly journey from Ethiopia to the Gulf countries through Somalia, across Yemen, to the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and other Gulf countries through what is often referred to as the Eastern Migration Route.

She had no idea about the insecurity and the conflict situations in the neighbouring countries making up this route.

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Sexual Violence Survivors in Tigray Need Urgent Medical, Psychological and Economic Support

Human Wrongs Watch

ACCRA, Aug 22 2023 (IPS)* – The war in Tigray, northern Ethiopian, led to sexual and gender-based violence against women, but when Hilina Berhanu Degefa, researcher, gender policy expert and co-founder of the Yellow Movement AAU, appeared before the UN Security Council Open Debate on Sexual Violence in Conflict last year, and catalogued the problems that the victims of the war faced, it didn’t shock the world.
Hilina Berhanu Degefa, researcher, gender policy expert and co-founder of the Yellow Movement AAU, addresses the UN Security Council. CREDIT: UN Photo/Loey Felipe

Hilina Berhanu Degefa, researcher, gender policy expert and co-founder of the Yellow Movement AAU, addresses the UN Security Council. CREDIT: UN Photo/Loey Felipe

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Israel/OPT: Supreme Court Approves Punitive Demolition of Child Detainee’s Home   

Human Wrongs Watch

By Amnesty International*

The Israeli Supreme Court today [August 25, 2023] approved the punitive demolition of the family home of a 13-year-old Palestinian boy who has spent the past six months in pre-trial detention on unfair charges.


©AHMAD GHARABLI/AFP via Getty Images

In February 2023, Mohammed Zalabani stabbed an Israeli border police officer on a bus at a checkpoint in the Shu’afat refugee camp in occupied East Jerusalem. He was overpowered, but moments later a private Israeli security guard accidentally shot the officer dead.

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Interfaith Discussion on Israel’s Apartheid against Palestinians

Human Wrongs Watch

By Victoria Strang, Policy Advocate with Faith Communities | Human Rights Watch*

Christian, Muslim, and Jewish Leaders Speak at Parliament of the World’s Religions

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