Archive for August 29th, 2023


Growing Number of Women and Girls Migrating via Perilous Eastern Route

Some lie directly on the floor, others on top of sleeping mats covered by a mix of sand and dust, making breathing difficult in the sweltering heat.

Situated at a strategic maritime point in the Horn of Africa, Bosaso serves as one of the last stops for those seeking to leave the region via the Eastern Route – a migratory path that continues through Yemen and leads to the Gulf States.

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Growing Feminization of Migration in Cuba Poses New Challenges

Human Wrongs Watch

HAVANA, Aug 25 2023 (IPS)* – Emigrating from Cuba was an agonizing decision for Ana Iraida. She left behind family and friends; in her backpack she carried many hopes, but also the fear of facing dangers on the journey to the United States. | En español
Several people, mainly women, stand in line to check their tickets at Terminal 3 o the José Martí International Airport in Havana. According to the International Organization for Migration, women represent 48 percent of international migrants worldwide, and more and more are migrating on their own. CREDIT: Jorge Luis Baños / IPS

Several people, mainly women, stand in line to check their tickets at Terminal 3 o the José Martí International Airport in Havana. According to the International Organization for Migration, women represent 48 percent of international migrants worldwide, and more and more are migrating on their own. CREDIT: Jorge Luis Baños / IPS

“My salary and that of my second job, as an editor, were insufficient. I wanted to prosper and help my parents. Nor did I want to have a child in a country where it is an ordeal to buy everything from disposable diapers to soap, not to mention food,” the 33-year-old philologist who, like the others interviewed for this story, asked to withhold her last name, told IPS.

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Surviving Childhood Trauma: The Impact of Domestic Violence

Human Wrongs Watch

By Sumeet Grover – TRANSCEND Media Service*

It is in our connectedness with other people – in our memories of laughter, smiles, sharing sorrow, being heard, being looked at with kindness, being heard with attention, being remembered by someone, being upset with someone, being comforted – that we become alive as relational beings.


Sumeet Grover

From one perspective, we can only experience the richness of life when we are in relation with other people, amongst other people, and in between other people.

Our relationship with people is not the only relationship that we have: we also have a relationship with what goes on within our minds and bodies.

We have a relationship with a complex internal world that drives us, often out of awareness, until that internal world begins to feel unsettling.

People often come to psychotherapy because there is an uncomfortable relationship with one’s own mind, body or the people around them.

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