Archive for September 5th, 2023


‘We eat less, sometimes not at all’: Cuts to Food Relief Deepen Hunger in Afghanistan

Human Wrongs Watch

By Rana Deraz*

An eyewitness account of one community being pushed to the brink as the World Food Programme is forced to cut food assistance to 10 million people.
A girl in a settlement in Kabul City where WFP has been forced to cut its rations
WFP is cutting food assistance to 10 million people in Afghanistan including this community in Kabul. Photo: WFP/Hasib Hazinyar

The children stare at us, all curious. They are, by now, used to seeing World Food Programme (WFP) staff zipping in and out of the informal settlement they live in on the outskirts of Kabul, in white SUVs.

Only this mission is not to deliver food or sign anyone up for anything. It’s simply to place on the record how people are doing after we cut food assistance to them altogether.

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Urgent Appeal for $1 Billion to Support Millions Fleeing Sudan Conflict as Needs Soar

Human Wrongs Watch

(UN News)* — The UN refugee agency, UNHCR, and 64 humanitarian and national civil society organisations on Monday [] appealed for $1 billion to provide essential aid and protection to more than 1.8 million people fleeing the ongoing conflict in Sudan who are expected to arrive in five neighbouring countries by the end of 2023.
Food is distributed by WFP at Adre refugee camp in Chad.
© WFP/Julian Civiero | Food is distributed by WFP at Adre refugee camp in Chad.

Since the crisis began when rival military groups clashed in mid-April, projections of growing numbers of people trying to escape fighting have sharply spiked upwards.

“The crisis has triggered an urgent demand for humanitarian assistance, as those arriving in remote border areas find themselves in desperate circumstances due to inadequate services, poor infrastructure and limited access,” said Mamadou Dian Balde, UNHCR Regional Bureau Director for the East and Horn of Africa and Great Lakes, and Regional Refugee Coordinator for the Sudan Situation.

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