Archive for November 14th, 2023


Besieged Gaza Hospital Misery Continues While Rainfall Prompts New Health Scare

Human Wrongs Watch

(UN News)* — UN health agency WHO hailed on Tuesday [] the “heroic efforts” of staff at Gaza City’s besieged Al-Shifa hospital and expressed concern for hundreds of thousands of displaced people in the enclave where heavy rainfall has caused flooding and aggravated the already dire health crisis.

Al Shifa hospital continues to shelter displaced families in Gaza City.
© WHO | Al Shifa hospital continues to shelter displaced families in Gaza City.

“Rain will just add further to the suffering” of people in the Strip, WHO spokesperson Margaret Harris told reporters in Geneva, at a time when disruptions in sewage pumping and water shortages have caused a spike in waterborne diseases and bacterial infections.


Mainstream Media Kills Truth

Human Wrongs Watch

By Mazin Qumsiyeh | Popular Resistance – TRANSCEND Media Service*

7 Nov 2023 – What happened October 7 and after as UN Chief Guterres said “did not happen in a vacuum”. Palestinians endured ethnic cleansing and racist onslaught daily for 75 years (that is over 27325 days).

That left 8 million Palestinians refugees or displaced people and the rest stored in disconnected concentration camps (Gaza, Bethlehem, Jericho, Ramallah etc).


Mazin Qumsiyeh

There is deepening crime of apartheid and racial discrimination in the West Bank while genocide goes on in Gaza. Israel’s ongoing horrors are a mockery of international law.  

Today the situation in Gaza is catastrophic as it shifts to a higher stage of carnage: from sudden death and injury of civilians by bombing them without warning to ADD death by thirst, starvation, lack of hygiene, and collapse of health care services (Israeli policies of mass murder by denial of basics of life).

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Gaza City: Babies Dying in Hospital amid Scenes of Devastation

Human Wrongs Watch

More patients, including premature babies, have reportedly died in Gaza City’s Al-Shifa hospital which has gone three days without electricity amid intensifying Israeli military operations, making a ceasefire more urgent than ever, UN humanitarians have said.

A man injured in a missile attack is rushed for treatment in Naser hospital in Khan Younis.
© WHO | A man injured in a missile attack is rushed for treatment in Naser hospital in Khan Younis.