Archive for November 30th, 2023


2023 Shatters Climate Records, with Major Impacts: World Meteorological Organization

Human Wrongs Watch

Geneva/Dubai (WMO)* 30 November 2023 – 2023 has shattered climate records, accompanied by extreme weather which has left a trail of devastation and despair, according to the World Meteorological Organization (WMO).

Key messages
  • 2023 set to be warmest year on record
  • Greenhouse gas levels continue to increase
  • Record sea surface temperatures and sea level rise
  • Record low Antarctic sea ice
  • Extreme weather causes death and devastation

UN Alarmed by Reports of the Interception and Pushback of Vessels Carrying Rohingya Refugees

Human Wrongs Watch

The local government, with operational support from IOM in Indonesia, established two emergency tents at Batee  Beach, Pidie Regency, to provide a temporary accommodation for Rohingya refugees disembarked in Aceh. Photo: IOM / Karina  Larasati.

The local government, with operational support from IOM in Indonesia, established two emergency tents at Batee Beach, Pidie Regency, to provide a temporary accommodation for Rohingya refugees disembarked in Aceh. Photo: IOM / Karina Larasati.

Geneva / Bangkok (IOM)*, 28 November 2023  – The International Organization for Migration (IOM) is alarmed by reports of the interception and pushback of vessels carrying Rohingya refugees in the Bay of Bengal and Andaman Sea between Bangladesh and Indonesia.


Gaza City a ‘Ghost Town’

Human Wrongs Watch

(UN News)* — Amid hopes of a deal to extend the pause in fighting in Gaza between Israel and Hamas on Wednesday [], the UN agency for Palestinian refugees (UNRWA) reported that humanitarian assistance had reached its shelters in northern Gaza for first time since war erupted last month.

Scenes of devastation in Gaza City's Nasr neighbourhood (file)
© UNICEF/Mohammad Ajjour | Scenes of devastation in Gaza City’s Nasr neighbourhood (file)
“As we drove through Gaza City it was like a ghost town; all the streets were deserted,” said Thomas White, Director of UNRWA Affairs in Gaza. “The impact of heavy airstrikes and shelling was so visible. Roads are riddled with craters, complicating aid deliveries.”

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Gaza Doctors ‘Terrified’ of Deadly Disease Outbreak as Aid Teams Race to Deliver

Human Wrongs Watch

(UN News)* — As the pause in fighting in Gaza appeared to enter a fifth day on Tuesday [], UN humanitarians warned that aid deliveries needed to multiply immediately to save the lives of the injured and stem the risk of a deadly disease outbreak that has left doctors “terrified”.

A child cries over the loss of a family member at Nasser Medical Hospital in Khan Younis.
© UNICEF/Abed Zaqout | A child cries over the loss of a family member at Nasser Medical Hospital in Khan Younis.

Priorities include transporting fuel to the north of the war-torn enclave, so that it can be used to power hospitals, provide clean water and maintain other vital civilian infrastructure.

Such services have been massively impacted by weeks of Israeli bombardment in response to Hamas’s 7 October massacres in southern Israel that left some 1,200 dead and around 240 taken hostage.

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Middle-Income Country Trap?

Human Wrongs Watch


KUALA LUMPUR, Malaysia, Nov 22 2023 (IPS)* – In recent decades, failure to sustain economic progress has been blamed on a supposed middle-income country (MIC) trap. Such blaming obscures as much as it supposedly explains.


Jomo Kwame Sundaram

The ‘middle-income trap’ fable began as a World Bank story about why upper MICs in Latin America failed to become high-income countries (HICs) after pursuing policies required or prescribed by the Bretton Woods institutions.

Bretton Woods’ Frankenstein
The 1944 Bretton Woods rules-based international monetary system ended in August 1971 when President Richard Nixon unilaterally repudiated US obligations. This happened after the US Treasury had borrowed heavily from the rest of the world from the 1960s.

The US government’s ‘exorbitant privilege’ of ‘spending well beyond its means’ has continued despite the resulting international monetary ‘non-system’.

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