Archive for May 11th, 2024


The West vs. the Rest

Human Wrongs Watch

By Michael Brenner – TRANSCEND Media Service*

Is the West launching an all-out war against global ‘South,’ against the BRICS – plus, against the ‘other’? Are we in the first stages of a civilizational struggle initiated by the U.S.-led assemblage we call the “collective West”? That would have seemed an absurd idea until very recently.

Bremmer, Michael

Yet, there are remarkable developments on the world scene that suggest that dramatic alterations indeed are in the offing. Let us examine them; then interpolate what systemic meaning they might auger.

1) Palestine is the most revealing, graphic indicator that something is badly askew in the mentality of political elites in North America and Europe – with resonance among their accommodating publics.

Complicity in the genocidal actions of Israel in Gaza – accompanied by pogroms in the West Bank – is a stunning phenomenon. It forces us to reconsider who we in the West are and what we stand for.

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Israeli Forces Bringing War to the West Bank, Warns UN Human Rights Office

Human Wrongs Watch

‘We now see huge fear among the population of the West Bank.’UNRWA | Nour Shams Palestine refugee camp, that is only 3 kilometers away from the city of Tulkarm in the northern West Bank after Israeli forces’ operation that lasted more than 55 hours between 18 and 21 April

(UN News)* — As war rages in Gaza, violations against Palestinians in the occupied West Bank have also increased substantially, a senior official with the UN human rights office, OHCHR, said on Wednesday [8 May 2024]. 

“The Israeli Defense Forces (IDF) is acting as if there is an armed conflict in the West Bank,” Ajith Sunghay, head of the OHCHR office in the Occupied Palestinian Territory, told UN News.

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Media Freedom Declining Across Europe, With Implications for Rule of Law

Human Wrongs Watch

BRATISLAVA, May 3 2024 (IPS)* – A new report has warned media freedom in the EU [European Union] is close to “breaking point” in many states amid rising authoritarianism across the continent.

Protestors gathered in Bratislava on May 2, 2024 to protest against changes to the public broadcaster, RTVS. The placard in the picture reads: RTVS on a flat-screen TV; STVR about a flat earth. Credit: Ed Holt/IPS

Protestors gathered in Bratislava on May 2, 2024 to protest against changes to the public broadcaster, RTVS. The placard in the picture reads: RTVS on a flat-screen TV; STVR about a flat earth. Credit: Ed Holt/IPS

In its latest annual report covering 2023, the Berlin-based Civil Liberties Union for Europe (Liberties) highlighted widespread threats, intimidation and violence against journalists and attacks on the independence of public broadcasters in the EU, with roll backs in media freedom down to “deliberate harm or neglect by national governments”.

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