Archive for May 12th, 2024


Latin America and the Caribbean Hit with Record-Breaking Heat and Other Climate Effects in 2023

Human Wrongs Watch

The World Meteorological Organization’s State of the Climate in Latin America and the Caribbean report documents the Region’s struggles with the devastating impacts of climate change, and urges action to reduce the burden of disasters.

The coastal village of Scotts Head, Dominica: The 2023 State of the Climate in Latin America and the Caribbean report is calling for robust early warning systems to safeguard small island developing states from rising sea levels and other impacts of climate change. Credit: Alison Kentish/IPS

The coastal village of Scotts Head, Dominica: The 2023 State of the Climate in Latin America and the Caribbean report is calling for robust early warning systems to safeguard small island developing states from rising sea levels and other impacts of climate change. Credit: Alison Kentish/IPS

DOMINICA, May 10 2024 (IPS)* Every year for the last four years, a collaborative effort involving scientists and other experts has assessed the state of the climate in Latin America and the Caribbean. The findings have revealed increasingly alarming trends for the world’s second-most disaster-prone region.

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Devastating Flooding in East Africa Claiming Increasing Casualties, Destroying Infrastructure and Crops, and Killing Livestock and Wildlife

Human Wrongs Watch

By the World Meteorological Organization*

Devastating flooding in East Africa is claiming an increasing number of casualties, destroying infrastructure and crops and killing livestock and wildlife. An incoming tropical cyclone is set to worsen the situation by bringing yet more heavy rainfall to the worst affected countries, including the United Republic of Tanzania and Kenya.


April 2024, the Eleventh Month in a Row of Record Global Temperatures

Human Wrongs Watch

By the World Meteorological Organization*

10 May 2024 — It was the warmest April on record – the eleventh month in a row of record global temperatures, according to Europe’s Copernicus Climate Change Service (C3S). Sea surface temperatures have been record high for the past 13 months.

The monthly report highlights the extraordinary duration of record temperatures fuelled by the naturally occurring El Niño event and the additional energy trapped in the atmosphere and ocean by greenhouse gases from human activities.

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Amid Record Displaced Persons, Migrant Remittances Spike—New IOM Report

Human Wrongs Watch

BULAWAYO, May 8 2024 (IPS)* While there have been a record number of displaced people worldwide, according to a new report by the International Organization for Migration (IOM), migrant remittances are promoting human development.
Migrants use a cross-border bus in Bulawayo to enter South Africa. Credit: Ignatius Banda/IPS

Migrants use a cross-border bus in Bulawayo to enter South Africa. Credit: Ignatius Banda/IPS

Millions of people from developing countries rely on money sent from abroad by relatives, helping drive local economies marked by high unemployment and poverty, according to humanitarian agencies that include the World Bank.

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Misinformation and Politicisation of Migration Is ‘Clouding Public Discourse’

Human Wrongs Watch

(UN News)* — Money sent home by migrants abroad has surpassed foreign direct investment in boosting the gross domestic product (GDP) of developing countries, UN migration agency IOM said in the latest edition of its flagship report, released on Tuesday [7 May 2024]. 

A family arrives in Brazil after crossing the Venezuelan border by foot. (file)

© IOM/Gema Cortés | A family arrives in Brazil after crossing the Venezuelan border by foot. (file)

World Migration Report 2024 reveals a significant shift in global migration patterns, including a record number of people displaced due to conflict, violence, natural and other disasters.

Speaking at the launch in Dhaka, Bangladesh, IOM Director General Amy Pope said the report aims to “demystify the complexity of human mobility through evidence-based data and analysis”.

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