Archive for May 22nd, 2024


Five Things to Know about the Catastrophic Flooding in the East and Horn of Africa

Human Wrongs Watch

By UNHCR – UN Refugee Agency*

20 May 2024 — Severe flooding has hit countries in the East and Horn of Africa as heavy El Niño-rains continue to afflict a refugee-hosting region at the front line of the climate crisis, where deep droughts followed by intense rains have in recent years become the new normal.
A man pushes a handcart containing a young child and his belongings through floodwaters accompanied by other family members.

Somali refugee Abdi (centre) and his family were among 25,000 refugees displaced from their homes in Kenya’s Dadaab Refugee Complex by flooding in November 2023. © UNHCR/Mohamed Maalim

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Long, Dangerous Journeys on the Rise but Migration Drives Prosperity

Human Wrongs Watch

(UN News)* — Migration is on track to become one of the defining features of the 21st century and more action is needed to ensure regular pathways for people to move safely, the head of the International Organization for Migration (IOM) said on Tuesday [21 May 2024] in New York. 




IOM/Andi Pratiwi | Migrants walk through Djibouti’s desert. (file)

Speaking at the opening of a two-day meeting on harnessing the power of migration, IOM Director General Amy Pope expressed hope that participants will help deliver prosperity, benefits and innovations for migrants and for their countries of origin and destination. 

Roughly 281 million people worldwide are one the move, representing around 3.6 per cent of the global population, according to a recent IOM report. This is up from 153 million in 1990, and more than triple the 84 million in 1970. Global trends point to more migration in the future.

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