Archive for May 24th, 2024


Tobacco and Nicotine Industry Tactics Addict Youth for Life: World Health Organization

Human Wrongs Watch

Young people using e-cigarettes at rates higher than adults in many countries

© WHO | WHO says that roughly half of all children globally are reported to breathe in air polluted by tobacco smoke.

(WHO)*, Geneva, New York, 23 May 2024 The World Health Organization (WHO) and STOP, a global tobacco industry watchdog, are launching today “Hooking the next generation,” a report highlighting how the tobacco and nicotine industry designs products, implements marketing campaigns and works to shape policy environments to help them addict the world’s youth.

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Haiti’s Health System Pushed to Breaking Point: UNICEF

Human Wrongs Watch

(UN News)* — Haiti’s health system is now “on the verge of collapse” UN Children’s Fund (UNICEF) Representative in Haiti Bruno Maes warned on Wednesday [], amidst an alarming decrease in the number of hospitals still functioning in the violence-wracked Caribbean nation.

A child is treated for malnutrition at a mobile health clinic in Port-au-Prince, Haiti.
© UNICEF/Georges Harry Rouzier | A child is treated for malnutrition at a mobile health clinic in Port-au-Prince, Haiti.

There are only six out of ten hospitals which still have some operational capacity as the gang-led chaos continues across the capital, Port-au-Prince, leaving vulnerable children deprived of essential care.

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United Nations Establishes International Day of Reflection for Srebrenica Genocide

Human Wrongs Watch

(UN News)* — The UN General Assembly on Thursday [] designated 11 July as the International Day of Reflection and Commemoration of the 1995 Genocide in Srebrenica, in which at least 8,372 people were killed, thousands displaced and whole communities destroyed.

Barbed wire around a camp for some 25,000 people displaced from Srebrenica. The fence was there to keep people from wandering into the surrounding fields that may have been mined. (1995 photo)
© UNICEF/Roger LeMoyne | Barbed wire around a camp for some 25,000 people displaced from Srebrenica. The fence was there to keep people from wandering into the surrounding fields that may have been mined. (1995 photo)

Adopting a resolution with the same title, the Assembly also asked the Secretary-General to establish an outreach programme on the Srebrenica genocide in preparation for the 30th anniversary next year.

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