Archive for May 31st, 2024


Plastic Soup, Plastic Islands: How Small Island Developing States Can End Plastic Pollution

Human Wrongs Watch


UNITED NATIONS, May 30 2024 (IPS)* – Scattered over the vast area of our oceans, Small Island Developing States (SIDS) are often pictured as blue, serene and beautiful paradises. However, we are risk losing the beauty of these islands, due to the triple threats of climate change, loss of biodiversity, and pollution, especially marine plastic debris.

If not stopped, the annual flow of plastic into the ocean will nearly triple by 2040, to 29 million metric tonnes per year, 50 kilgrammes of plastic for every metre of coastline worldwide. Credit: UN Development Programme (UNDP)

If business continues as usual, the annual flow of plastic into the ocean will nearly triple by 2040, to 29 million metric tonnes per year, equivalent to 50 kilogrammes of plastic for every metre of coastline worldwide. Soon, the ocean will turn into plastic soup, and islands will be covered in, and surrounded by, plastic waste.

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Why Are Flash Floods So Deadly in Afghanistan?

Human Wrongs Watch

By the United Nations Development Programme*

29 May 2024 — Starting in April, flash floods have wreaked havoc across Afghanistan, leaving at least 300 dead, hundreds injured, and nearly 9,000 homes destroyed. Thousands are now homeless. Roads, bridges, schools, and health facilities in Baghlan, Badakshan, Takhar, Faryab and Ghor are in ruins.








Photo From UNDP.

Once again, Afghanistan is heavily affected by a climate catastrophe after last year’s earthquakes in Herat, and frequent sandstorms and drought hitting the most vulnerable, particularly women and children, the hardest.

But why are these sudden deluges so deadly, and what makes this disaster particularly devastating?

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Over 3 Million Displaced in Ethiopia, More than Half Due to Conflict

Human Wrongs Watch

By the International Organization for Migration – IOM*

Geneva/ Addis Ababa, 29 May – Over 3 million people were internally displaced in Ethiopia by the end of last year according to the latest National Displacement Report by the International Organization for Migration’s (IOM) Displacement Tracking Matrix (DTM).  

Displaced families in Dubuluk IDP Camp. Photo:: IOM/ Ethiopia.

The Report shows that the majority – 69 per cent – of those displaced were a direct result of conflict, whereas drought and other climate induced events such as floods, landslides and fires on the other hand contributed to 17 per cent, and 9 per cent respectively. 

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“Harrowing Images of Destruction, Displacement and Death Have Emerged from Rafah, Including Infants Torn Apart and People Burnt Alive”

Human Wrongs Watch

By UN Human Rights*

UN experts outraged by Israeli strikes on civilians sheltering in Rafah camps.




© UNICEF/Eyad El Baba | People in Rafah city in the Gaza Strip flee a missile attack.

GENEVA – Israeli air strikes on a camp sheltering displaced civilians in Tal al-Sultan in Rafah, that have reportedly claimed at least 46 lives including 23 women, children and older persons on Sunday night are an outrage, UN experts* said today [29 May 2024], demanding decisive international action to end the bloodshed in Gaza.

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Amid Ongoing Israeli Incursions into Gaza, Aid Facilities Shut ‘One after Another’

Human Wrongs Watch

(UN News)* — With no let up in reported street battles and Israeli bombardment across Gaza on Thursday [], UN humanitarians warned that the flow of vital lifesaving aid into the enclave has fallen by more than two thirds since the Israeli military stepped up its campaign in Rafah and seized the key aid conduit.

Conditions at Al Mawasi camp in southwest Gaza remain unsuitable for the hundreds of thousands of Gazans uprooted by the latest escalation of violence in nearby Rafah and elsewhere across the Gaza Strip.
UN News/Ziad Taleb | Conditions at Al Mawasi camp in southwest Gaza remain unsuitable for the hundreds of thousands of Gazans uprooted by the latest escalation of violence in nearby Rafah and elsewhere across the Gaza Strip.

Humanitarian facilities in Rafah are forced to close one after another…The flow of humanitarian aid supplies into Gaza, already insufficient to meet the soaring needs, has dropped by 67 per cent since 7 May,” reported the UN aid coordination office, OCHA, amid reports that kitchens, clinics and hospitals are shutting down.