Archive for June 16th, 2024


What Does the Plastics Crisis Have to Do with Desertification?

Human Wrongs Watch

Soil Investigation in Karahan, Adana Province, Turkey. © Ihsan Yalcin / Greenpeace

Soil samples taken in Adana/Karahan, Turkey. The report “Game of Waste”, prepared by Greenpeace Mediterranean, assesses the impact of the dumping and open burning of suspected imported plastics in five different illegal dumpsites across Southern Turkey. It identifies a wide range of toxic chemicals in the ash and soil of all five sites, many of which are associated with plastic packaging or the burning of plastics. © Ihsan Yalcin / Greenpeace

But what is desertification and what does the plastics crisis have to do with it? Let’s delve into and understand this multifaceted crisis together.

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Stop ‘Vandalising’ Earth and Help the Planet Thrive, United Nations Chief Urges

Human Wrongs Watch

(UN News)* — As nearly 40 per cent of land across the planet is degraded with more acres lost every second, governments, businesses and communities must galvanize action to reverse the damage and protect Earth, the UN chief said in a strong message for the World Day to Combat Desertification and Drought, marked annually on 17 June.

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Agriculture in volcanic soils in the Lanzarote and Chinijo Islands UNESCO Global Geopark in Spain.
© UNESCO | Agriculture in volcanic soils in the Lanzarote and Chinijo Islands UNESCO Global Geopark in Spain.
“Every second, around four football fields of healthy land are degraded,” said UN Secretary-General António Guterres.
“The security, prosperity and health of billions of people rely on thriving lands supporting lives, livelihoods and ecosystems, but we’re vandalising the Earth that sustains us.”

Fake Climate Solutions Spread Across Latin America

Human Wrongs Watch

CARACAS, Jun 14 2024 (IPS)* – Government and private initiatives and programmes to address the climate crisis in Latin America and the Caribbean are in fact a vast array of fake solutions, according to a new regional map made by environmental organisations in several of its countries. | En español
A map of fake solutions shows projects with climate-friendly intentions or appearances but with counterproductive social and environmental impacts. Indigenous communities are one of the most affected population sectors. Credit: Platform for Climate Justice

A map of fake solutions shows projects with climate-friendly intentions or appearances but with counterproductive social and environmental impacts. Indigenous communities are one of the most affected population sectors. Credit: Platform for Climate Justice

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