Archive for June 21st, 2024


‘Honour the Strength and Courage of Refugees,’ Urges UN Chief

Human Wrongs Watch

(UN News)* — “Conflict, climate chaos and upheaval” have forced more than 120 million people from their homes including 43.5 million who have fled across national borders said the UN Secretary-General in his message for World Refugee Day, marked on Thursday [20 ].

A Sudanese refugee sits with her three-month-old twins at a UNICEF-supported breastfeeding and nutrition awareness centre in Eastern Chad.
© UNICEF/Donaig Le Du | A Sudanese refugee sits with her three-month-old twins at a UNICEF-supported breastfeeding and nutrition awareness centre in Eastern Chad.

That’s a record number on the move – “fuelling profound human suffering”, António Guterres added, while at the same time honouring their strength and courage.

Drawing attention to the day each 20 June, is also about stepping up efforts to protect and support those forced from their homes “on every stop of their journey.”

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‘Every Minute 20 People Leave Everything Behind to Escape War, Persecution or Terror’

Human Wrongs Watch

World Refugee Day

refugees walking with their belongings

Rohingya refugees fleeing conflict and persecution walk towards the Kutupalong refugee settlement. | PHOTO:© UNHCR in Bangladesh

(United Nations)* — Refugees need our solidarity now more than ever. Solidarity means keeping our doors open, celebrating their strengths and achievements, and reflecting on the challenges they face. 

Solidarity with people forced to flee also means finding solutions to their plight – ending conflicts so they can return home in safety, ensuring they have opportunities to thrive in the communities that have welcomed them, and providing countries with the resources they need to include and support refugees.

Learn more about this year’s observance!

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Haiti: A Call To Action for All Caribbean and Latin American Countries

Human Wrongs Watch

Mario Lubetkin is FAO Assistant Director-General and FAO Regional Representative for Latin America and the Caribbean 

The escalation of violence and multiple crises worsen Haiti's acute food insecurity - Credit: Justine Texier / FAO - Although the most recent evidence shows signs of improvement in food insecurity in Latin America and the Caribbean, the data reveal a worrying upward trend in Haiti and sectors of the subregion

The escalation of violence and multiple crises worsen Haiti’s acute food insecurity. Credit: Justine Texier / FAO

SANTIAGO, Jun 20 2024 (IPS)* Although the most recent evidence shows signs of improvement in food insecurity in Latin America and the Caribbean, the data reveal a worrying upward trend in Haiti and sectors of the subregion.

The situation in Haiti is particularly alarming: violence, a prolonged economic crisis, and extreme weather events have brought the country to a critical point with devastating consequences for its population. A further deterioration in acute food insecurity is projected between June and October 2024.

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