Archive for December 1st, 2019


The Trials of Julian Assange – and Why He Is Vital to Our Future

Human Wrongs Watch

By Jake Lynch – TRANSCEND Media Service*

[Video at the end]


Jake Lynch

One of the most concerning sights of the pre-trial hearings in Julian Assange’s extradition case has been his documents.

The WikiLeaks founder shuffled into the video conferencing room at Belmarsh high security prison, in southeast London, on October 11th, carrying a cardboard box full of paper files.

When he appeared in person at Westminster Magistrates Court, ten days later, he was carrying a folder full of papers as he took his seat behind a screen separating him from the judge.

Incredible as it may seem, these dog-eared sheaves of paper constitute the notes for his defence against an extradition request from the US on espionage charges, which could, if upheld, see him sentenced to 175 years’ prison, with no possibility of parole. In one of multiple violations of his rights as a remand prisoner, he is operating under restrictions meaning that he has no access to a laptop computer.

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UN Refugee Agency’s Chief Urges Action over Conditions for Asylum-Seekers on Greek Island: “What We Are Seeing Here on Lesvos Is Very Worrying”

Human Wrongs Watch

By Josie Le Blond in Lesvos, Greece*

28 November 2019  (UNHCR)* Filippo Grandi bears witness to conditions at the Moria centre on Lesvos and calls on European states to help Greece address situation Français

Boys at an improvised camp known as the Olive Grove on Greece’s Lesvos island. The Olive Grove is next to the Moria Reception and Identification centre. © UNHCR/Achilleas Zavallis

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Our Vanishing World: Wildlife

Human Wrongs Watch

By Robert J. Burrowes*

DAYLESFORD, Australia, 1 December 2019


Robert J. Burrowes,

Throughout its history, Earth has experienced five mass extinction events. See, for example, ‘Timeline Of Mass Extinction Events On Earth’. It is now experiencing the sixth.

  1. The Ordovician-Silurian Extinction, which occurred about 439 million years ago, wiped out 86% of life on Earth at the time. Most scientists believe that this mass extinction was precipitated by glaciation and falling sea levels (possibly a result of the Appalachian mountain range forming), catastrophically impacting animal life which lived largely in the ocean at the time.

2. The Late Devonian Extinction happened about 364 million years ago and destroyed 75% of species on Earth. Possibly spread over hundreds of thousands of years, a sequence of events that depleted the oceans of oxygen and volcanic ash that cooled the Earth’s surface are believed to have driven the extinctions. It was to be 10 million years before vertebrates again appeared on land. ‘If the late Devonian extinction had not occurred, humans might not exist today.’

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Greening the Blue: Championing Coastal Climate Solutions

29 November 2019 (UN Environment)*They call them ‘blue forests’—and they are among the most productive and valuable habitats on Earth.
Bay-of-Assassins-aerial_ credit - Louise Jasper, Blue Ventures.jpg
Photo by Louise Jasper / Blue Ventures
Mangroves might not look like much to some, but these humble salt-loving species are vital to coastal ecosystems and communities the world over. They are a crucial breeding habitat for aquatic wildlife—with some 75 per cent of commercially fished species either spending part of their life cycle in mangrove ecosystems or depending on the habitat for food.

Taking Marine Conservation by Storm

25 November 2019 (UN Environment)*Since winning the UN Environment Programme (UNEP) Young Champions of the Earth prize 12 months ago, Better Blue founder Miao Wang has taken China’s diving community by storm.

微信图片_20191031095749.jpgPhoto posted here from UN Environment.

Her Better Blue foundation is committed to enabling more people to learn to interact with the oceans scientifically through shaping a more responsible and stronger diving industry.

The four major fields of Better Blue include marine citizen science, marine public education, industry development support and endangered species and habitat protection.

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