Archive for July 20th, 2021


The Fight for the “Lost Souls”

Human Wrongs Watch


MEXICO CITY, Jul 19 2021 (IPS)* – In June, the Department of Homeland Security made a critical announcement. For the first time in U.S. history, more than 15 national and local agencies and civilian organizations conducted a simultaneous major binational operation to find missing children inside and outside the United States.

Rosi Orozco

They called it “Operation Lost Souls”. Its objective was to find girls and boys who were missing and possibly deceived or kidnapped by sexual exploitation gangs.

The secret operation lasted a week. And the result announced by Special Agent Erik Breitzke surprised even the organizers: 24 minors were recovered and, among them, three were located in Ciudad Juarez, Mexico.

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What Links Organised Crime with the Radical Right?

Human Wrongs Watch

By Michael Colborne*

There are serious gaps in our knowledge about how violent extremists get their hands on weapons and money.

Far right supporters commemorate the death of Benito Mussolini on 2 May 2021 | Piero Cruciatti/Alamy Stock Photo. All rights reserved.
18 July 2021 (openDemocracy)* — In the 1970s and early 1980s, Italy was plagued by a spate of violence and deadly terrorist attacks – the so-called “Years of Lead” (anni di piombo).

Time to Rethink Our Technology Choices!

Human Wrongs Watch

By Hazel Henderson*

Remember the bumper sticker:

Technology is the answer! But what is the question?

Londons-great-smog-of-1952-which-led-to-thousands-of-deaths-from-inhaling-coal-smoke-on-whichLondon’s great smog of 1952 which led to thousands of deaths from inhaling coal smoke on which Britain relied for electricity | Image from Wall Street International.

July 2021 (Wall Street International)*In the 19th and 20th centuries most, new technologies were equated with our societies’ progress. We loved electricity, automobiles, airplanes, telephones, radio, television, the Internet and space exploration.

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The Widespread Use of Pegasus Spy Software to Illegally Undermine the Rights of Those Under Surveillance Is “Extremely Alarming” and Confirms “Some of the Worst Fears”

Human Wrongs Watch

Pegasus: Human rights-compliant laws needed to regulate spyware

Unsplash/Chris Yang | The UN says it’s concerned about the potential misuse of surveillance technology to illegally undermine people’s human rights.

(UN News)* — The UN human rights chief on 19 July 2021 said the apparent widespread use of Pegasus spy software to illegally undermine the rights of those under surveillance, including journalists and politicians, was “extremely alarming” and confirmed “some of the worst fears” surrounding the potential misuse of such technology.

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A Genocide Timeline; Srebrenica Massacre Remembered

Human Wrongs Watch

20 July 2021 (UN News)*Survivors of a massacre of mainly Muslims in the former Yugoslavia, and people associated with the perpetrators of what has become known as the Srebrenica genocide, have been telling their stories in a new exhibition by the United Nations, released 26 years after the events took place.

ICTY/Isabella Tan Hui Huang | Items recovered in a warehouse in the former Yugoslavia where men and boys were held, were used as evidence in trials at the ICTY.
Some 8,000 boys and men were killed by Bosnian Serb forces when they overran the town of Srebrenica during a regional war in the Balkans in July 1995, the largest atrocity on European soil since the Second World War.
The exhibition in the form of a timeline, explains how the genocide was planned and carried out.