The Silent Bites: A Wake-Up Call for Rabies Awareness

Human Wrongs Watch

11 August 2023 (WHO)*Rabies, a deadly viral disease, continues to have a profound impact on communities throughout Africa, causing progressive and fatal inflammation of the brain and spinal cord. However, the good news is that rabies is 100% vaccine-preventable.


Vaccinating dogs, including puppies, is the most costeffective strategy for preventing rabies in people because it stops the transmission at its source.” Meseline Mulokozi

Timely vaccination of exposed individuals, as well as vaccination of dogs and other animals to prevent infection at the source, has proven to be effective. Unfortunately, in many rabies-endemic countries, this strategy has not received sustained attention and investment.

Among those most affected by rabies are children and young adolescents, as many of the victims are younger than 15 years old.

Therefore, it is crucial to engage and empower these youths in rabies prevention and control activities and to raise awareness and welcome their fresh perspectives and innovative solutions.

Let’s meet Yona Eliud Yangaza, an inspiring member of the youth-led registered nongovernmental organization the One Health Society – dedicated to fighting against neglected tropical diseases (NTDs) and antimicrobial resistance in the United Republic of Tanzania, Africa.

Yona comes from Titye-Kasulu, a small rural village located in the Kigoma region in the western part of the country.

His personal connection to the devastating effects of rabies became tragically apparent when his beloved friend, Aidan, was bitten by an infected dog and succumbed to the disease at the age of 13.

Witnessing this deeply impacted Yona and fuelled his strong motivation to fight against NTDs like rabies.

In rural areas of Africa, where access to medical facilities is limited, rabies presents a formidable challenge. Awareness campaigns play a climacteric role in apprising local populations about the significance of timely post-exposure prophylaxis and responsible pet ownership. By fostering a culture of alertness and tenderness, we can aspire towards a rabies-free continent.Yona Yangaza

Recognizing that knowledge is power in the battle against rabies, Yona actively sought out information through workshops and books and in conversations with veterinary professionals to gain the necessary skills to make a difference.

Africa has the youngest population in the world, presenting an immense potential for engagement and empowerment of its youth.

To harness this potential, the One Health Society created a platform that interconnects young people from different sectors, such as animal health, human health and the environment, enabling them to collaborate in the fight against NTDs.

Realizing the importance and potential of reaching out to and educating his peers, Yona -as a member of the One Health Society – along with the presidents of the Tanzania Medical Laboratory Students’ Associations (TAMELASA) established the Youth Engagements in Eradication of Rabies Awareness programme.

Representatives of the Tanzania Medical Laboratory Students’ Associations
Representatives of the Tanzania Medical Laboratory Students’ Associations

This initiative started organizing workshops at the Muhimbili University of Health and Allied Sciences (Dar es Salaam) and in local communities, disseminating information about the dangers of rabies and how to prevent it.

To enhance their outreach, they created different information materials like brochures and posters, distributing them widely among their peers.

Representatives of the Tanzania Medical Laboratory Students’ Associations

“Together, let’s make rabies history” (TAMELASA campaign slogan)

Setting themselves apart, they adopted various innovative approaches to combatting rabies and other NTDs. They for example effectively utilized social media platforms to spread their message and organized engaging events, such as community fairs and pet shows, where they interactively educated people about rabies and other NTDs.

In collaboration with local artists, they create impactful visual campaigns that capture people’s attention and foster a deeper understanding of the issue among local communities.

However, this is just the beginning of their journey. Through collaboration and experience, they recognized the crucial importance of working across disciplines to combat rabies.

As a result, they are planning to establish further partnerships with veterinary professionals, animal welfare organizations and local government authorities.

They are passionate about advocating for rabies control with policy-makers, emphasizing the need to prioritize funding for dog vaccination programmes and ensure access to healthcare services for rabies prevention.

Youth participation is undeniably crucial in the fight against rabies in Africa. The collaborative efforts between the One Health Society and TAMELASA exemplify the significant impact young individuals can make when they are empowered and supported.

Continuing their mission to educate and raise awareness about rabies, the team aspires to inspire other youth organizations from various parts of Africa to join the movement.

Through their collective efforts, they aim to create a ripple effect of youth-led initiatives, ultimately working towards a rabies-free Africa.

Together, as One Youth for One Health, they have the power to foster sustainable change within their communities.

*SOURCE: WHO. Go to ORIGINAL:–a-wake-up-call-for-rabies-awareness

2023 Human Wrongs Watch

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