Archive for March 29th, 2015


Arabs Set to Create Their Own NATO, Urge a Nuclear-free Middle East

Human Wrongs Watch

Cairo, 29 March 2015 (Human Wrongs Watch) — The creation of an Arab, NATO-style joint military force, the urgency of freeing the Middle East from nuclear weapons and a future inter-Arab common market are some of the key decisions adopted by the Arab leaders in their 26th Summit held Sharm El-Sheikh, Egypt ton 28, 29 March 2015.

The Arab region | Author: kobe bryant | Wikimedia Commons

The summit declaration emphasises the need to free the Middle East from nuclear weapons and all weapons of mass destruction and calls on Israel to join the NPT (Nuclear Non Proliferation Treaty), as well as to submit all its nuclear facilities, and those of Iran, to the comprehensive safeguards regime of the International Atomic Energy Agency.

Israel is the sole nuclear military power in the region. According to military experts, its arsenal amounts to 230 nuclear bombs. This figure would exceed the combined nuclear arsenal of India, with 80-90 atomic heads, and Pakistan with similar numbers. (1).

According to the final declaration of the Arab summit, Arab states will join the new joint military force on a voluntary basis. 
The joint force is set to intervene military to face eventual challenges threatening the security and safety of any member state at the official request of its authorities.
Diplomatic sources close to the summit stressed that Iraq expressed strong opposition to this resolution and renewed its rejection of any military intervention of any state in the affairs of any other country.

The Israeli Salvation Front

Human Wrongs Watch

By Uri Avnery*

28 March 2015

Uri Avnery

Uri Avnery

THE 2015 election was a giant step towards the self-destruction of Israel.

The decisive majority has voted for an apartheid state between the Mediterranean Sea and the Jordan River, in which democracy will slowly disappear.

The decision is not yet final. Israeli democracy has lost a battle. It has not yet lost the war.

If it does not draw the lessons, it will lose the war, too.

All the justifications and alibis of the Israeli Left are useless. It’s the bottom line that counts.

The country is in existential danger. Not from the outside, but from the inside.

An Israel Salvation Front is needed now.

We have no other country.

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