Archive for January 11th, 2020


Inaction over Climate Emergency “Will Put at Risk All Life on Earth as We Know It”

Inaction when it comes to the fight back against damaging climate change is not an option, the President of the UN General Assembly told a major energy conference in Abu Dhabi on Friday [10 January 2020] (*).


UNDP Tuvalu/Aurélia Rusek | The low-lying island nation, Tuvalu, in the Pacific Ocean is particularly susceptible to higher sea levels caused by climate change.
Tijani Muhammad-Bande was addressing the International Organization for Renewable Energy High-Level meeting on the particular threat faced by Small Island Developing States, or SIDS, and their partners in development.

Not all Trade is Good – the Case of Plastics Waste

Human Wrongs Watch

BANGKOK, Thailand, Jan 6 2020 (IPS)* – Currently, approximately 300 million tons of oil-based plastic waste are produced every year. A significant amount of plastic waste ends up in the oceans, having a detrimental effect on marine ecosystems and coastal communities. Most of this waste originates from the Asia-Pacific region.


Credit: United Nations

If unaddressed, by 2050 there could be more plastic than fish in the oceans.

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