Archive for March 11th, 2021


“This Is Hell. Absolutely Horrendous … Yemen Is Becoming the Worst Place on Earth and It Is Totally Man Made“

Human Wrongs Watch

ADEN/SANA’A, 10 March 2021 (WFP)* – The Executive Director of the UN World Food Programme issued an urgent plea for peace in Yemen and called for funding to help the most vulnerable hungry families as he wrapped up a two-day visit to the country where the worst famine the world has seen in modern history is now looming. 


Photo: WFP/ Alaa Noman

“Over half of the people in Yemen are facing acute food shortages with millions knocking on the door of famine. These are not just numbers. They are real people and it is heartbreaking,” said David Beasley.

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Ten Years On, Syrian Crisis ‘Remains a Living Nightmare’

Human Wrongs Watch

(UN News)* — UN Secretary-General António Guterres has underlined the UN’s determination to continue pursuing a negotiated political settlement to the Syrian civil war, a “living nightmare” that has endured for 10 years now.

© UNOCHA/Mahmoud Al-Basha | A health worker talks to displaced children about their hopes and worries in Atma camp, Syria.

Briefing journalists at UN Headquarters on 10 March 2021, the UN chief stressed the need for countries to put aside their differences to support Syrians in finding a solution to the crisis.

“After a decade of conflict, in the middle of a global pandemic, and faced with a steady stream of new crises, Syria has fallen off the front page”, he said. “And yet the situation remains a living nightmare.”

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Asia-Pacific: Migrants Play Central Role in World’s Most Populous Region; Protect Them

Human Wrongs Watch

(UN News)* — United Nations officials on 10 March 2021 highlighted the contributions of migrants to economies and societies in Asia and the Pacific, calling on countries to ensure all who live within their borders are fully included in national coronavirus inoculation programmes.


Photo: ILO | Migrants play a key role both in countries of origin and destination, but often face discrimination and have to work under difficult conditions with little protection.