Archive for March 14th, 2021


Seven Rules of Thumb to Follow in Aquaponics

Human Wrongs Watch

Inspiring people to change the world by producing sustainable food in alternative ways

Unknown©FAO/Khaled Desouki

14 March 2021 (FAO)* — From a media bed unit start-up in Bangkok to a fully developed 120 households deep water culture (DWC) unit in Ethiopia, aquaponics is showcasing its true potential to produce sustainable food anytime, anywhere.

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Women Will Not Reach Parity at the Pinnacle of Power for Another 130 Years, Predicts UN

Human Wrongs Watch

UNITED NATIONS, Mar 12 2021 (IPS)* – The United Nations says the highest levels of political power remain the furthest from achieving gender parity in an increasingly male-dominated power structure worldwide.
María-Fernanda-Espinosa_María Fernanda Espinosa Garcés was only the fourth woman in the 76-year history of the United Nations to be elected President of the General Assembly, the UN’s main deliberative and policy-making body. She was the Foreign Minister of Ecuador. She is being congratulated by the outgoing President Miroslav Lajčák, (centre) and the UN Secretary-General, Antonio Guterres. September 2018. Credit: UN / Loey Felipe

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First Person: Poetry and the Pain of Loss and Leaving; a Voice from Syria

14 March 2021 (UN News)* — A young Syrian woman has told the United Nations how poetry helped her to convey the emotions of all the children who have been caught up in the decade-long civil war in her country.
Mohammad Abou Kerech | Syrian refugee and poet, Amineh Abou Kerech, (16) left her war-torn country at the age of seven.

Amineh Abou Kerech’s poem “Lament for Syria” won the United Kingdom’s Betjeman Poetry Prize in 2017 and in February this year she read the poem at a UN event focusing on the trauma children face in times of conflict.

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Indigenous People, “Custodians of Our Earth’s Precious Resources,” Yet…

New report details indigenous struggle for land rights

WHO/PAHO/Karen González Abril | The Wayúu people are indigenous to Colombia.

(UN News)* — Although the world’s indigenous peoples live in areas that contain around 80 per cent of the planet’s biodiversity, many still struggle to maintain their legal rights to lands, territories and resources, according to a new UN report published on Friday 12 March 2021.

The latest edition of the State of the World’s Indigenous People report examines challenges communities face in asserting their rights to lands, whether in the context of agribusiness, extractive industries, development, conservation and tourism.

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