Archive for March 7th, 2023


Why Do 800 Mothers a Day – 1 Every 2 Minutes– Die from Preventable Causes?

Human Wrongs Watch

MADRID, Mar 7 2023 (IPS)* – The answer is that there are alarming setbacks for maternal health care and, in many cases, even a total lack of maternity services, which threaten to further raise the number of these tragic preventable deaths one million or more a year by 2030.
Nearly every maternal death is preventable, and the clinical expertise and technology necessary to avert these losses have existed for decades. Credit: Patrick Burnett/IPS

Nearly every maternal death is preventable, and the clinical expertise and technology necessary to avert these losses have existed for decades. Credit: Patrick Burnett/IPS

Severe bleeding, high blood pressure, pregnancy-related infections, complications from unsafe abortion, and underlying conditions that can be aggravated by pregnancy (such as HIV/AIDS and malaria) are the leading causes of maternal deaths, UN specialised bodies report.

“These are all largely preventable and treatable with access to quality and respectful healthcare.”

Why then are these causes still not prevented and treated?

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Inquest Highlights Abuses in Canada’s Immigration Detention

Human Wrongs Watch


A New Blow for Equality: Access to Jobs, Working Conditions, and Persistent Pay Gap for Women, Barely Improved in 20 Years

Human Wrongs Watch

(UN News)* — In a new blow for equality in the 21st century workplace, UN labour experts said on Monday [] that women’s access to jobs, their employment conditions and a persistent pay gap, have barely improved worldwide in nearly two decades.

The production floor of an apparel exporting factory in Bangladesh.
ILO/Marcel Crozet | The production floor of an apparel exporting factory in Bangladesh.

The jobs gap for women is a “stubborn and damaging reality of the global labour market” but it is particularly worrying in developing countries, the International Labour Organization (ILO) said, with almost one in four women unable to find a job, compared with 16.6 per cent of men.

‘Bleaker picture’

That assessment is based on new data gathered from all people looking for work, as opposed to those registered as unemployed.

“It paints a much bleaker picture of the situation of women in the world of work…(it) shows that women still have a much harder time finding a job than men,” ILO said.

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Human Rights Experts Concerned over Reports of Increased Militarization and Intimidation Around a Mega Tourism Project in Indonesia

Human Wrongs Watch

(UN News)* — Experts appointed by the UN Human Rights Council have expressed concern over reports of increased militarization and intimidation surrounding a multi-billion-dollar urban development and tourism project in Indonesia.

Jakarta, Indonesia's capital.
Unsplash/Appai | Jakarta, Indonesia’s capital.

The Mandalika project includes parks, resorts, hotels and a motorcycle racetrack hosting international sporting events. It is located on Lombok island, in impoverished West Nusa Tenggara Province.

The experts said they have received alarming accounts of alleged human rights violations committed by police and military forces, including excessive use of force to evict and restrict the rights of the indigenous Sasak people. 

Intimidation and coercion 

The $3 billion project is being implemented by the Indonesia Tourism and Development Corporation (ITDC), a State-owned enterprise, with funding primarily from the Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank (AIIB). 

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